MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How come it is ok to put all religions e...

How come it is ok to put all religions except Christianity in mass media?

Now there is a Marvel Muslim super hero. There is no Christian Marvel super hero. You can buy Buddhist statues at Disney but you cannot by crosses. Then there are people doing Hindu Yoga hand signs in commercials but you do not see Christian themes.


Isn't Steve Rogers as Christian as they come?


What´s your theory?


In case you hadn't noticed Christianity is kind of on the nose since all of the child abuse hit the fan.


It's because of cultural appropriation. Americans see non-Western religions as cool and exotic in a superficial sense or something to use in a self-serving way (usually commercial).

For example, this Halloween, there are "Day of the Dead" graphics everywhere in stores. Day of the Dead is a religious festival in Mexico but Americans just grabbed all the makeup and costumes to decorate Halloween stuff with because they think it looks cool.

Same thing with everything else. No one buys Buddhist statues because they practice Buddhism but because they think the statue looks cool as a set piece on their living room display. People throw up Yoga hand signs because they think it makes them look cool and worldly.

Americans have enough respect for and a closeness to Christianity to not treat it as cool home decor or as a virtue signaling ploy. Curiously enough, the opposite happens in places like Japan. The Japanese will splash Christian symbols all over the place in their anime and manga because they think it looks cool aesthetically.
