MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Can Jawas travel through hyperspace unai...

Can Jawas travel through hyperspace unaided?




I don't think they can. From what I can tell from other Star Wars media, they seem to stow away on people's starships and ride off to other planets, escape, and build themselves big crawlers to live in and travel around out on the edges of civilization. I originally thought they only lived on Tattooine, but as we saw with "The Mandalorian," a few apparently left to live on a few other planets.
In the online game "Star Wars the Old Republic," if you play a Bounty Hunter, one of the companions you get to have join you in your story is a very adventurous Jawa named Blizz, who has seen more of the galaxy than most Jawas, is very good with mechanical stuff, and is a surprisingly handy companion to bring with you on your journeys.


I can't imagine that they haven't scavenged or stolen a few space-worthy vehicles now and then, either the kids slapping something together to go joyriding, or maybe some bigger vessels used by families or communities bugging out of places that need leaving.
