MovieChat Forums > Tommy > Replies

Tommy's Replies

Haha! I actually had that theory back in 2008 that Coleman Reese was gonna be the Riddler! Totally a missed opportunity. Mr. Reese -Mystery Another word for mystery - an enigma. Mr. E Nygma. Edward Nygma! Lol! I love Batman Forever. He certainly gave off quite the Dr No vibe, and I’m sure it was on purpose. Yes, that’s all logical except for Orlov smashing the egg. Considering how big of a deal they made about ONE of the pieces of jewelry you’d think Orlov smashing it wouldn’t be something they wanted. And Octopussy seems to have strangely shifting feelings about the Russian jewelry and even says something to Kamal Khan about not being pleased because the jewelry was stolen in the first place. As for No Time to Die, I don’t have the script or anything, but the scenes between Bond and M explain how M was using Obruchev. Yeah, I think I remember it being Safin on the phone now, but the rest of my points still stand. As far as Octopussy goes, why on earth would Orlov think that was a fake? It seems to be written into the script just so Khan can find the microphone. Him finding the mic does NOTHING to develop the plot as he already saw Bond as an enemy. So Orlov randomly calling the real egg a fake and smashing it just undermines everything else about what’s going on. Yeah, it makes sense what you say, but I still say it’s the messiest of Bond villain plots. And what exactly does Octopussy herself think is going on with Orlov giving over the jewelry? You’d think she wouldn’t be so naive to the bigger plot. I think the movie would have been way better if Orlov was the main villain as that whole sequence in Germany is the best section of the movie. Well, all I can say is watch No Time to Die again. I’ll agree it’s not particularly clear, especially the first time, but the way I explained is definitively what was going on. Obruchev even gets a phone call, I assume from a Spectre agent, tipping him off that he’s about to be fake-abducted. But I’d love to hear your explanation of Octopussy, because that’s the messiest Bond movie plot wise and quite a bit of it doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny. For one, why does Orlov smash the real faberge egg? And why on earth does Khan do business with Orlov at all? Did Orlov provide him with those counterfeit bill makers or whatever those were? Wasn’t he a successful enough smuggler of sorts with Octopussy? Doesn’t seem like incentive enough to cahoot with a random Russian general. It’s kind of unclear with certain spots, but Obruchev, the scientist guy, was essentially triple crossing. First, Spectre thought he was working for them, and used him to set up Bond in Cuba, but M was also using Obruchev and M had him switch the nanobot mix to kill all Spectre people instead. This seems like something that was perhaps a long-term plan and Obruchev was acting as a sleeper agent at that science lab under both M and Spectre separately, Spectre having no idea that he was already under M’s thumb, and M not knowing Safin already had him as well. (Making him a triple-agent) This is explained in the lines of dialogue between Bond and M where Bond expresses his disapproval of M using Obruchev as he couldn’t possibly be trusted. But anyways, it’s further shown that Obruchev was going against M and REALLY working for Safin, when Logan Nash shoots Felix and tried to kill Bond too. This showed the collusion of Ash to Obruchev and Safin. Obruchev himself even seems to have lost track of his true allegiances as he freely reveals a bit too much to Bond and Felix before Ash is unmasked as the villain that he is. As far as Primo surviving Cuba, it’s unclear if he’d already defected from Spectre to Safin or not. I’d have to watch again, but it would only make sense that he wasn’t included in that anti-Spectre nanobot mixture as he survived coming into contact with Bond, and we know Bond coming into contact with Spectre agents would kill them (Blofeld). A bit of messy storytelling, but a lot of Bond films are. I dare your to try to make sense of Octopussy. It WAS M’s plan and Safin knew and was okay with it, as he wanted Spectre dead too. Considering that Primo eventually was shown to work with Safin maybe he was already a double? The movie isn’t so clear on that. The scientist changed it before hand. Originally Spectre wanted the scientist to make the nanobot mist targeted to Bond, but he changed it (according to M’s plan) to target all Spectre agents instead. But M didn’t know the scientist guy was gonna double cross him and be working for Safin. Haha! I’ve seen the movie three times now and somehow missed that reference each time. I’ll keep an ear out the next watch. Buzz, your girlfriend! Woof! …sorry, someone had to say it! Well, it’s kind of hard to ignore when he seems SOOOOOOO into merging with V’Ger when it comes out that V’Ger, as Spock says, is a child… Drink your ovaltine. To be fair, an 11 year old Kirsten Dunst kissed a 30 year old Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire that very same year, 1994. I’m not defending either choice to have a child kissing an adult on the mouth for a movie, but just pointing it out. Totally. My wife and I watch this almost every Christmas season since seeing it in the theaters 10 years ago now. (How did THAT happen?!?!) We just viewed it last night, and it seriously doesn’t get old! I did get a pang of regret when NPH says “…and see you guys in the fourth” as we still haven’t gotten a fourth. But this is definitely a Christmas classic in our eyes and deserving of more attention. Haha! I know exactly what you mean, and I have ALWAYS noticed that small speck of splash back. It’s driven me crazy, as well as Aragorn putting the handle of Isilidur’s sword back on the display thing in Rivendell just a LITTLE bit crooked. If I were Peter Jackson I’d have yelled cut and chewed Viggo out for being an idiot and doesn’t he know not to fuck with my OCD?!?! So crazy it’s been 20 years. I remember a simple curiosity lead me to catching Fellowship of the Ring on its opening day in cinemas, being absolutely unfamiliar with the books and the story in general. I hadn’t even seen very many previews for it (I was super busy with school as well as work at the time) but the teaser poster with the giant stone statues along the river really grabbed me, making me feel nostalgic for fairy tale sort of things from my very young childhood. Upon seeing it, I was totally blown away and was hooked in anticipation for the other two films. Good times… He came back because they asked. Despite what people interpret from his seeming hate of Star Wars, he’s always been on extremely good terms with Lucasfilm. I remember him making some cryptic comment immediately post-The Force Awakens, and I wasn’t shocked at all by his quick-cameo in The Rise of Skywalker. I thought it was a very nice scene that worked in the film perfectly well. I didn’t see the entire twist coming, but I DID guess that he was dead. But that hardly spoiled the rest of the twist. My god, that was amazing! Best twist since the original Saw film. YES! You ARE in fact ignoring the question. Still ignoring the actual question at hand.