Happy 20th Anniversary Fellowship of the Ring 12/19/2001

It seems notable to mention it here since we are a few days away from the 20th anniversary from when Fellowship of the Ring opened in theaters. I knew nothing about the Lord of the Rings when I saw the first movie in theaters 20 years ago. Its now probably one of the most beloved movie trilogies of all time and I watch it every year during the Christmas season.


So crazy it’s been 20 years. I remember a simple curiosity lead me to catching Fellowship of the Ring on its opening day in cinemas, being absolutely unfamiliar with the books and the story in general. I hadn’t even seen very many previews for it (I was super busy with school as well as work at the time) but the teaser poster with the giant stone statues along the river really grabbed me, making me feel nostalgic for fairy tale sort of things from my very young childhood.

Upon seeing it, I was totally blown away and was hooked in anticipation for the other two films. Good times…


It makes me sad we will never see another movie series like it ever filmed in Hollywood again.


Oh, I think we will, but we'll have to wait another 20 years for the woke stupidity to die off.


I thought they were going to pull it off with the Narnia movies but unfortunately they didn’t.


I had a similar experience to you, having never read the books, but my dad, brother, and mom had, so we went to see it and I was amazed at what I saw. The sequels were just as good. I was in high school at the time those movies came out, so my classmates and I often had talks about them.


I was in college ‘01-‘03 and it was such a joy these movie were a huge part of my winter breaks those years.


These types of movies were not popular in my high school (


Too bad, those kids were missing out.


20 years ago to the day, I saw it in the theater! Up until that point I had only seen the old cartoon of Return of the King, the one with the ugly frog-like Gollum and funny music.

Anyways, who’s watching today? Sunday afternoon awesomeness.


I watched Fellowship on Friday, Two Towers yesterday in the afternoon, and I’ll finish up the rest of Return of the King today.


I had heard of the books, but it all seemed a bit Dungeons and Dragons to me, a bit geeky etc.

But then I saw a preview clip on a Film Show (I think the Johnathon Ross UK show) of the Cave Troll fight, and I just thought it looked amazing, and I was looking forward to seeing it

It really did not disappoint at all, a stunning movie experience, from Cate Blanchetts first words over a blank screen (which seemed eerily prescient so soon after 9/11) I was hooked in.

I think Fellowship is the best of the 3, I found the Two Towers a bit dull in places, but Return of The King was Great too...but Fellowship was just top notch all the way...a perfect movie.
