AmeriGirl26's Replies

I found the show in a similar way. I was watching the tv guide channel in 2005 as it scrolled through the various programs available (this was RIGHT before we got proper digital cable where you could browse through tv guide instead of waiting for the scrolling), and I saw something called "Mythbusters" on the Discovery channel. I took a look, and thought some of the stories were interesting, and it kinda took off from there. 8 years later, I downloaded as many seasons as I could onto my laptop, and I watch them from time to time, though I don't have the last 3 seasons, so I watch those on Hulu. I'm 1/32nd British, I have Russian, Irish, Dutch, and German ancestors that immigrated to America (before the World Wars, mind you), and our family name indicates that we have Viking ancestry. I rarely, if ever, tell anyone that stuff, and you don't see me bragging about it all the time, or using it to exploit others or to get ahead. Last thing anyone needs is someone like me coming over to England and demanding they recognize my family's noble blood and background. While my family is proud of their heritage, we don't really talk about it much with people. We let them gradually find it out. And I am perfectly happy to color in the boxes/circles on my papers saying "White, Non-Hispanic," or "Caucasian." She's not the only idiot out there to pull this stunt. There are a lot of white Americans (most of them liberals that are either very stupid, or taught not to appreciate America) who don't know their real heritage, and get bored by being surrounded by Americana all the time, particularly in Midwestern or northern states. So they decide one day, "I'm gonna fake having an exotic heritage so I'll appear special compared to my fellow whites." Then these idiots will choose some exotic ethnic group from some foreign nation far away or from a group they almost NEVER intermix with, and pretend to have a vague, distant ancestor so they can explain their current lily-white complexion, by saying that their darker ancestry was bred out over the generations. A popular exotic ethnic group to choose from for Americans are Native Americans, though the ancestry fakers have been known to use other groups too. A particularly popular Native American tribe to choose are the Cherokee, due to their history of being spread out all over North America and frequently inter-mixing with white people. Cherokee aren't the only ones exploited in this manner, but they are the most commonly used. I knew two different people in the Midwest who made stupid claims like this and couldn't back them up, so Warren's just the latest faker to use this lie. There are probably thousands of other white Americans dumb enough to try this as well. This kind of faking exotic ancestry thing is not new either. There were a number of ancient politicians, royals, and generals that claimed divine ancestry, though usually only their peers and intellectuals could really see through the lie. You will note the revision I wrote that I read everything about THE MOVIE, not everything on Venom, because frankly, I could care less about him. He's hideous, he's evil, and nothing he does can redeem all the bad stuff he did throughout Marvel comic history. Sorry, but he's always gonna be a disgusting, 2nd-rate villain in my book. What's the Lethal Protector series? Please keep in mind that not everyone out there has read every single comic or watched every single cartoon that exists about Spider-Man or his enemies. Not everyone in the world watched that. I just read everything on Wikipedia about this film, and I really don't buy him suddenly turning good. Venom has NEVER been a good guy, EVER. He was ALWAYS out for himself. Plus, you can't really get behind a creature as repulsive and disgusting as that. I thought it was cool that they FINALLY touched on a subject that only shows like "Futurama" had touched on so far from a semi-serious viewpoint: a 2-dimensional universe. I have yet to hear of a Star Trek show or movie that covered that subject or came close to it. It was also nice to see the co-pilot graduated up to chief engineer. That turned out to be a surprise. Actually, the percentage makes me laugh b/c it's the stupid, jaded critics that are bashing this show, whereas regular everyday viewers love it, particularly Star Trek fans. They give it a much higher rating. I'm with the actual viewers on this one. That's typically why I don't usually listen to what critics say about anything. Throw enough money at them, and they'll give a good review on ANYTHING, even if it's so horrible that even brain-dead corpses wouldn't watch it. That is also why tv/movie critics tend to praise the living daylights out of awful stories and either ignore or dump on the good stuff. You're joking. I'm afraid not. After Season 4 was when those awful, cringe-worthy college seasons started, and that was also around the time Melissa started doing cocaine, so that's why she was so hyper on set, in addition to rushing through her lines in almost every take. Better if you just watch Seasons 1-4 and pretend the others never happened. Wow, somebody's bitter. I can still watch most of the first 4 seasons and enjoy the show, despite watching it as a teen. Yeah, one's perspective changes as you get older, but part of what makes this show appealing to former viewers is nostalgia. If that has been ruined for you, quit watching and find something new on tv or streaming to complain about. For a long time, I thought it was an actual song from that era, but it turns out that it was a made-up pop song that the writers played to death in the first season. I usually don't consider any seasons past Season 4 to be really part of the series, for a number of reasons, most of it due to bad writing, bad acting, and continuity issues. What really bothered me about Sabrina in the first 4 seasons was how immature, impulsive, and spontaneous she could be. Granted, she was a teenager, but I have met teens that could behave much more maturely than her (I was one of them). What was really dumb, was how she really would not plan out things ahead very far, but that could just be the stereotypical teen and comedy angle they were going for. I was also bothered about the way they dressed her. I know for a fact teenagers did not dress that way on the east coast in the 90s. In fact, a lot of her clothes looked more like something young women in LA would wear to cocktail parties and business meetings, rather than a middle-class, east coast teenager of the 90s. Plus, almost NOBODY wore the pseudo-Shirley Temple hairdos, save for at least 1 or 2 celebrities in Hollywood for ONE YEAR in the late 90s. About time they put it out of its misery. It's mostly just a matter of personal opinion, depending on what you like on the show and how far you're willing to go before you can't stand it anymore. I think the show jumped the shark with the 4th season, but that's just me. After that the writers got so lazy they couldn't even keep up the continuity and decided to make it all like Supernatural instead of a fun fairy-tale romp with grown-ups. That, and they put in a lot of story concepts after season 4 that just plain ruined the show. But then again, I started having issues with it long before season 4, but again, that's just a personal opinion. It depends on what you mean by nobodies. It's true that nobody involved in these films became superstars, but several continued their careers in acting, but never hit it big, and that happens all the time in the tv acting world. Just because they never became super-famous, does not mean they are something less than the child stars who went on to be super famous. In fact, a number of these former child actors from these particular DCOMs are better off having normal lives as adults, rather than getting their lives ruined by Hollywood after age 18. It's hard to say. Each movie has good and bad parts, though for me, I'd rate them based on this: 1st movie - favorite, though it was more primitive than the others 2nd movie - worst, with annoying parts, but great costumes and sets 3rd movie - 2nd favorite, due to different location, best costumes, and best special-effects Oh my God, someone actually copied and pasted this? I wrote this ages ago, and now I wish I'd been more tactful about it :(. It means "Oh my!"