MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
Non-linear story-telling, really stupid premises, badly-written stories, dramas that never go anywhere, sequels that ruin the first film for you, sequels where they don't even cast the same people for the roles, sequels that are made more than 2 years after the first one, anything that glorifies gay people, low-brow comedy with a lot of disgusting jokes, and dark, depressing movies.
Oh yeah, remembered a few others: films that have a lot of jerky camera movements, movies where nearly everyone dies needlessly, anything with Will Ferrel in it, superhero movies that make the hero look stupid, cliche festivals, anything with an SJW theme, slow, boring films, sci-fi films using really bad science (believe me, there are a few), time-travel stories that mess with your head, really bad book interpretations, and historical films where everyone's wearing badly modified modern clothes and acting modern, but they're supposed to be living in "ye olde days."
I hate it when you wait for something exciting to happen in the film, and then, something does happen at the end, and then that's it. So you end up wasting an entire movie hoping something exciting would occur, and find out it's a huge bore-fest with an ending that leaves you hanging.
There are some tv shows that are like that too, where it doesn't get exciting until the last few seasons, and then you wish there had been more to it, and feel cheated when the series is canceled.
Abrupt endings are also annoying, because you were hoping for closure and didn't get it.
While I know it's done for marketing sequels, I dislike fake happy endings, where everything looks like it's all wrapped up for the heroes, and then you get an ominous hint that they didn't really kill the bad guy, or that another one is coming.
The worst ending I ever saw as for Tim Burton's version of "Planet of the Apes," where the hero supposedly goes back to his time, but ends up going sideways through time and lands on an alternate earth ruled by the apes, and he's about to be arrested by gorilla police officers in front of the "Thade" Memorial. (In the film he crash-landed on a different planet than earth). It would have been a great movie, had it not been for that shitty ending.
They shut it down? Really? I thought it was still around, faking being a charity.
There's also the question of how so many politicians (I will be honest here) on both sides of the aisle that come to Washington, and end up retiring millionaires. Last time I checked, a govt. salary, even for high-ranking officials, would not make them much more than upper-middle-class, (and considering how expensive it is to live in the D.C. area, I'm not surprised at that). But still, such a salary doesn't turn most people into super-rich elite. So where do they get the extra dough....hmm?
Which character did he play?
There was also the ridiculous "pay-to-play" crapola going on when Hillary was Secretary of State. From what I read, communication was AWFUL in that dept. Often the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. There were people who tried for months to talk to Mrs. Clinton about regular, everyday stuff, and yet couldn't get an appointment for ages. But then, the Prince of Bahrain drops a few million dollars into the Clinton slush fund---I mean Clinton Foundation, and he can see her immediately! And he wasn't the only one. There were quite a few people from both the US and other countries who generously donated to the Clintons during the hag's tenure as Sec. of State.
The donations suspiciously dried up when she failed to become president. I wonder why?
It's actually a common practice in Hollywood to cast actors that look younger than they actually are. Chris O'Donnel got away with playing this part as a man in his late teens because he had a young-looking face and could pull off the teen behavior. Most of the actors you see in films are typically older than their character, but they are "baby-faced," as it's called.
It's not unusual to have actors in their 20s and 30s play teens because a.) no child-labor law restrictions on working, and b.) the actor looks young enough and can imitate a teenager well enough. It's only really experienced adults who really notice this too. Kids or teens watching are gonna believe the person they're looking at (most of the time) is a teenage character.
It's also not unusual for actual teenagers (usually after 16) to already resemble their adult self, it's just their age and maturity levels doesn't match. More than once, in real life, I saw fellow students in high school already dressing like adults and looking like adults, save for participating in classes other school activities. Maturity-wise? That's up for debate.
I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about Obama.
My mother says that most criminals are stupid and lazy, which is one reason most get caught by the cops.
While she was not quite as prominent a character in the books, she was given a larger role in the films, and the original plan was for her to go to Helm's Deep to help out the army there against the Uru-khai, but the idea was scrapped during the post-production period.
So there are a lot of cut-scenes of her doing stuff at Rivendell, and advertisements of her being shown prominently, but due to changes in plans, you don't see this in the final cut, not even the Director's cut.
I learned about this at the AlleyCatScratch website where they had pages on all the costumes in the films, including the burgundy robe Arwen wore when fighting at Helm's Deep in the original movie plan.
I just looked at her. On a scale of attractiveness, with 1 being "So ugly I gotta stab my eyes out," and 10 being "Totally hot, sex God(dess)," I'd say she ranks a 7 or 8, maybe a 7.5. Pretty, but kinda generic-looking in the beauty dept.
Yeah, so what? Tons of people went to see "The Phantom Menace" when it came out in theaters, and people were nuts about it for several years after it came out. It took less than 5 years (maybe not even that) for them to start whining about what was wrong with it. I have no doubt TFA will get the same treatment, it's only a matter of time. So box office numbers don't really matter in the long run.
The same reason anyone has done it; they think they'll get away with it.
It's the lighting used when editing the poster. Over half the cast was either black or from a non-white race).
Because PC liberal idiots (particularly the producer) made it.
I believe Bortus and Klyden are supposed to be the resident "gay couple" on this show, but frankly, they don't quite make the cut because they are aliens from a mono-gendered species (that wiped out all their females ages ago).
And then there was "Cupid's Dagger," where Durulio's pheromone drove everyone who came into physical contact with him nuts, so Ed going crazy and sleeping with him, and the [male] alien diplomats falling in fake love don't count. (By the way, I hate that episode, and want to strangle Durulio with a forklift for all the trouble he caused).
I know! It's ridiculous that they have such high standards that they treat her like a retard, despite the fact that she's still intelligent in her own way. She's just not a super-genius like they all are.
You seriously think everyone's gonna hear about that?
It doesn't actually make sense. She has all these praises about working with the crew of the Orville and how kind the Union military has been to her, while her family treated her like dirt because she wasn't quite as intelligent as the rest of them.
And then, after one adventure where her asshole daddy finally admits he was wrong, she decides "Oh, I'm not gonna go back to Orville, despite this miracle cure you made for me doc. I'm gonna go home and 'find myself' and reconnect with dear old shithead dad. The last year and a half meant nothing to me, bye!"
That guy was NOT hot! He was gross and irritating. An "elephant" dude who talks like a surfer, is eats while he's working, has two esophagi, and has no on-screen charisma at all is NOT my idea of a good replacement. In fact, I don't ever wanta see him again!
Still don't care, it's still got a full-grown man getting involved with an underage girl. Sounds creepy.