AmeriGirl26's Replies

There have been rumors that the Palisade Fires were deliberately set, so that the area would get cleared out, and the local authorities could build some stupid "15-minute cities" in the area, because the Olympics are coming to LA soon. They wanta show off their "environmentally friendly" new spots in the city for the visitors, which is BS, because much of LA is anything <i>but</i> environmentally friendly. Plus, the CA govt. has been burying people in red tape to keep them from rebuilding their homes the way they want. They also make it a nightmare to try and build single-unit homes on land that people buy when they want a custom house set up. They <i>really</i> don't want families living in normal houses in this state anymore, not unless you're an illegal alien family or you're a Section 8 family. I still think it would be justice if someone burned down the homes of Gavin Newscum, Karen Bass, and the head of the water dept. (don't know her name), and make sure that the hydrants near their houses have no water either. They've been trained to hate America because people taught them to think it's a "whites only" nation (despite evidence to the contrary) and that they should push for their own identity, even if it's unnecessary. The first thing that would happen is, a lot of women would freak over their husbands, dads, brothers, sons, grandpas, nephews, and uncles disappearing. Then the world would be thrown into chaos for a few years. Things would reluctantly settle down, and then the human race would die off in 50+years. And you wonder why parents with the original values of the organization flocked to Trail Life USA? Ah, I see. While she <i>was</i> technically a Khaleesi for a while, Daenerys lost her status once Khal Drogo died, and she had to reassert herself as a queen with the whole "Breaker of Chains" campaign. I guess Blake Lively forgot what Dany's real name was and just used her first queen title instead. There's a major scandal going on in Hollyweird right now involving Blake Lively bullying a guy she worked with on "It Ends With Us" and everyone's talking about it. It makes me sad, because everyone wanted to believe Ryan Reynolds was a cool guy like some of his movie characters, but it turns out, both he and his wife are narcissists and bullies that just hid it really well...until now. 7% for legitimately helping the needy overseas, vs. 93% being used for illegal stuff....gee, seems like they took a page out of your average Big Wig's fake "charity" or "foundation" handbook, wouldn't you say? I remember hearing how the Clinton Foundation was similar, how they barely contributed 4% of their earnings through "donations" to the needy, (far <i>below</i> the minimum 47% required for a charity to contribute to a cause) while all the rest of the money went to employees and the Clintons themselves. I remember reading a few years ago that once the FBI found out that they could rob the public purse at their leisure, just so long as it looked like "charities" and "raised taxes to help out with public works," in the 1960s, taxes in America just went through the roof. Apparently they had been using USAID all along. Someone online said that the USAID was just a shell organization for the FBI or the CIA, but an ex-CIA agent then said that it's worse than that. USAID is actually a rogue organization that's been operating under the very noses of Americans for years. While it started out with good intentions, the Deep State immediately seized it and used it for their own nefarious means. What really surprises me is that the CIA isn't trying to kill off Trump and his cabinet to stop all this. I mean, if the CIA <i>really</i> wants to have you killed, they'll do it. That can only mean that the CIA got some new leadership that lines up more with American values and the Trump Administration, rather than what the Left has been wanting all these years. Either that, or they have yet another agenda of their own that would still warrant suspicion. I'm just saying, that when Daenerys didn't get what she wanted, she'd use her dragons (at least when they were small) as her own personal attack dogs to intimidate people into changing their minds. It seems Blake Lively is doing something similar, and Taylor Swift disliked being dragged into the fight like that, despite being Blake's friend. Correction: the prequel trilogy finished in 2005 when "Revenge of the Sith" was released in theaters. Lucasfilm was not sold to Disney until 7 years later in 2012. This article writes it as if Lucas sold it 5 seconds after ROTS came out. They act like he's trying to destroy what little help the truly needy gets overseas. Trouble is, I'm not buying that lie. The money was already being stolen from the needy overseas, and Trump had nothing to do with that. He's trying to stop the wasteful spending, particularly on DOMESTIC, illegal activities. There can't be anything legal about stealing taxpayer money and giving it to journalists, particularly if the news agency they work for is a civilian establishment. Or giving it away freely to illegal aliens who shouldn't even be in our country to start with. At least now we know why regular, hard-working Americans were almost being taxed into poverty. They were taking OUR MONEY and funding all these disgustingly unnecessary pet projects! Not to mention paying dozens of news agencies, including some overseas, into all spewing out hard-left propaganda. I ask you, how is it "spreading democracy" to fund gay propaganda and transgender surgery in crappy, backwater, Latin American countries? Or flying in and housing illegal aliens?! These assholes were fucking STEALING FROM US!!!!!!!!! Not a human one. The first dead body I ever truly saw up close was this poor raccoon that apparently got hit by a car. I was about 4 or 5 years old and felt really sorry for him. Thankfully, the teachers that were having our class walking by him on the field trip kept me from touching him. I've also seen animals my dogs have killed, but didn't eat. Plenty of dead bugs. When my grandma died a few years ago, part of the funeral involved an open casket session that would take place before the service at the church. My family has having issues helping mom, who had medical problems at the time, get ready for the funeral. Frankly, I think we got the better end of the deal, having to run to Wal-Mart in our funeral clothes and go grab some clothing items for mom (long story, you don't need to hear it), as well as Kleenex to bring to the funeral service. I was really not interested in seeing my beloved grandma, lying dead in a coffin. I wanted to remember her as she was when she was alive. Incidentally, that was the easiest funeral I ever went to, simply <i>because</i> we missed out on the open casket and burial parts. It's also a really bad metaphor, considering what happened to Daenerys and her dragons, as well as the fact that Taylor Swift did <i>not</i> like hearing herself being compared to a dragon/attack dog. That's also why I think they left out Barbara and Adam too. The writers basically didn't know what to do with them, as well as Lydia's dad, so they just plain got rid of them. I heard some rumors about Meghan Markle in her yachting days that would make your skin crawl, and the Dubai Port-a-Potties thing made me ill. There are many things I've heard people do for money, but that's one of many that I won't EVER do, not even if my life depended on it. I'd ask him to show me what <i>his</i> planet looked like, and if he knew about other races in the galaxy too. I'd also ask if his people were still free, even with the advanced tech. There have been cases (in sci-fi stories) where despite their advanced tech, some aliens realized, after visiting earth, that maybe they weren't so superior after all, particularly where freedom is concerned. Others lived up to the hype. Oh yes, pushing rainbow shit in foreign countries, censorship, and electric vehicles nobody in Vietnam can afford was just <i>vital</i> to "promoting democracy." Right.... It's too bad that they couldn't have tried recasting him with a different actor that looked and sounded similar, but didn't have the baggage the original actor did. It's probably how he got a ton of money too, if you catch my drift. There are some things that happen in Dubai that should stay in Dubai or not be done at all... Yeah, it's like who needs "The Thing that Ate the Bronx" when you've got THE THING THAT WON'T LEAVE, hehehe. You know what this means. Time to buy DVD's of this movie made prior to 2025.