MovieChat Forums > AmeriGirl26 > Replies
AmeriGirl26's Replies
It's also a really bad metaphor, considering what happened to Daenerys and her dragons, as well as the fact that Taylor Swift did <i>not</i> like hearing herself being compared to a dragon/attack dog.
That's also why I think they left out Barbara and Adam too. The writers basically didn't know what to do with them, as well as Lydia's dad, so they just plain got rid of them.
I heard some rumors about Meghan Markle in her yachting days that would make your skin crawl, and the Dubai Port-a-Potties thing made me ill. There are many things I've heard people do for money, but that's one of many that I won't EVER do, not even if my life depended on it.
I'd ask him to show me what <i>his</i> planet looked like, and if he knew about other races in the galaxy too. I'd also ask if his people were still free, even with the advanced tech. There have been cases (in sci-fi stories) where despite their advanced tech, some aliens realized, after visiting earth, that maybe they weren't so superior after all, particularly where freedom is concerned. Others lived up to the hype.
Oh yes, pushing rainbow shit in foreign countries, censorship, and electric vehicles nobody in Vietnam can afford was just <i>vital</i> to "promoting democracy." Right....
It's too bad that they couldn't have tried recasting him with a different actor that looked and sounded similar, but didn't have the baggage the original actor did.
It's probably how he got a ton of money too, if you catch my drift. There are some things that happen in Dubai that should stay in Dubai or not be done at all...
Yeah, it's like who needs "The Thing that Ate the Bronx" when you've got THE THING THAT WON'T LEAVE, hehehe.
You know what this means. Time to buy DVD's of this movie made prior to 2025.
He's like Kowalski and herpes. Doesn't matter how many times they "disappear," they always come back eventually.
I'm rather enjoying hearing their screams. It's music to my ears after hearing them sneering at us, calling us names, and saying we were wrong all these years; and then to find out that <i>they</i> were the bad guys all along, and just lost their secret gravy train.
The problem is, the agreements made after WWII were only limited to Western countries, and they found out really quickly how little the rules of the Geneva Convention meant during the Korean and Vietnam wars.
I kept wondering why the dad was not included very much in the movie (including being killed off early in the film), or they had his head bitten off by a shark. It's sad, hearing what kind of a disgusting monster the actor turned into. Though to be fair, most of his roles weren't likeable characters either.
Maybe USAID cut off his funds and he had to go out and get a <i>real</i> job at a shitty fast-food restaurant.
Well, his face <i>does</i> resemble a port-a-potty.
Incidentally, he eventually ended giving up being female and went back to being Bender, something a real tranny that de-transitions can never completely do.
There's a reason we used to put them in insane asylums or had them living on the edge of society in little gay havens around the country and didn't give them the time of day until social media became a thing. Most of them are pathetic, mentally ill men that can't handle being male in our society and are failures as men in general. The women believing they can be men are the same; they're mentally ill and can't handle who they truly are, so they have to create this alternate identity because they believe it'll make everything better...when it doesn't.
Trying to normalize it and brainwash kids and teenagers into becoming trans was particularly horrifying and disgusting. You've seen what Flimflam has said on here. He drank the poisoned kool-aid they were peddling at college campuses for years, when in fact it was all lies and bullshit. Trying to rewrite biology books and the way society treats men, women, and the pretenders, was the nail in the coffin of that twisted ideology.
Are you aware they didn't have Swedish porn back then? Or are you just as stupid, lonely, and horny as you sound?
"Futurama" predicted it 20 years ago.
Uh...if he thinks he's so great, what's he doing on a backwater planet like this?