ILJtheFirst's Replies

The monster effects wouldn't have looked good at all. The rustling leaves in the whirling wind? The shadows? How could you shoot that in the dark? Let's not forget, the entity(ies) cause a brain and/or body chemistry change in humans, their eyes change color. Personally, I think the entity(ies) just employ a form of psycho mind control. You see the most important person of your life forcing you to suicide. You don't have a choice, they say do it, you say ok. Yeah lol, that spiel he told her about the end of the world worked. They did show the shadow of the demon-like creatures 2 or 3 times. ---> Here <--- lol You don't remember all that "no problemo" stuff. I'll get back to you, busy ATM. Where is the forest? I didn't see not a single tree. I think the director is conspiring against trees :\ Still nothing. "They tried to heavily diverge from the SG-1/Atlantis formula that had been successful for 14-15 seasons." I was just thinking about that. In hindsight, SGU probably should've been run as a web only series. To test the formula, make dirt cheap episodes, and say this story is happening now as well as the other 2 series. In your opinion it was awful, not a fact. Actually, you helped kill the franchise by not watching. I realize you hated the show, but you needed to keep with it and give it a chance. Now MGM (whoever) will most likely never create another Stargate show. I still like the show. I wish to see it continued. It's a shame that the fans are killing it. No blood and killing, all the fans stop watching, big coincidence. If a dumb show like Supernatural keeps going, The Walking Dead definitely needs a pass too. The best suggestion is to Report some threads a troll has posted. If you find yourself trying to push against the ocean, all you can do is click on Ignore. Sure, they can find another european actor that's always soaking in sweat. I'll miss the actor, but the show must go on. Um, the actor is leaving, not the character. Well not much time has passed in the show. I think it's something like 2 years. I think you're describing Pandorum (2009), lol. Yet another fan that killed the other 2 live action sequels. The martial arts made the movie better. Some of us liked the movie. You forgot about Futurama, Fry and Leela, that's interracial, lol.