Oh wow, this show is going out just like Stargate Universe. The fans are gonna stop watching just because the format changed. The show will die this season, sad.
The show has kept the same format for 8 years. You honestly just want to see who will be the next villain against Rick Grimes? Then the next villain after that? More of the same for another 8 years?
This show is being killed by the very limited scope of the premise; by the more or less strict adherence to the comics general storylines and by the lack of committed/good writers and/or producers.
The show has been running on fumes for a couple of seasons now and short of cutting completely off from the boring safe haven/villain format of the comics, there's no turning back.
The format has not changed dramatically, because there WILL be a next villain, then another... You'll get plenty of the same, you'll see.
It really should die this season because if they stick to the comics, the future doesen't hold anything remotely interesting, groundbreaking or really different from anything that went on for the last 8 seasons.
This show is being killed by the very limited scope of the premise; by the more or less strict adherence to the comics general story lines and by the lack of committed/good writers and/or producers.
SG: Universe died because it was an awful show. They took the greatest sci-fi television franchise of my lifetime and turned it into a sci-fi themed soap opera. I still hate those buffoons for killing my beloved Stargate.
In your opinion it was awful, not a fact. Actually, you helped kill the franchise by not watching. I realize you hated the show, but you needed to keep with it and give it a chance. Now MGM (whoever) will most likely never create another Stargate show.
Oh, I watched it. How could I hate it if I didn't watch it? That would be very ignorant of me. Also, you're putting the cart before the horse. People didn't like the show because they made something people didn't want to watch. Can't blame the viewers.
And you're right. They had plans for future movies and possibly shows, but the poor performance of Universe destroyed those plans. That's the main reason why I hate Universe so much. They tried to heavily diverge from the SG-1/Atlantis formula that had been successful for 14-15 seasons. Did they really think they wouldn't lose most of their fan base?
"They tried to heavily diverge from the SG-1/Atlantis formula that had been successful for 14-15 seasons."
I was just thinking about that. In hindsight, SGU probably should've been run as a web only series. To test the formula, make dirt cheap episodes, and say this story is happening now as well as the other 2 series.
The only thing that killed it for me for 2 seasons now was the Negan murder scene. That was so disgusting and made me so mad I stopped watching for almost 2 years.