SpaceAce2001's Replies

Dude I never said TDKR best Forest Gump on IMDB learn to pay attention!!! So do you honestly believe that Spielberg and Lucas were trying to convey the message that God is on the side of Adolf Hitler??? Even if that was true it still makes no sense why the Nazis would drop their guns and run away if God took away Salah's gun. Nice try but as always epic fail. OMG I never argued that Back To The Future III was rated higher than Forest Gump. You once again put words in my mouth you dishonest liar. LEARN TO PAY ATTENTION!!! I said that Forest Gump ripped off the message and theme of Back To The Future III that everyone's future/destiny hasn't been written and its what you make of it. I swear if you put words in my mouth again you are going on ignore. OK then let me ask you this, who do you think is right in regards to why Bruce stopped being Batman for 8 years? Is it A) Me who says that he stopped being Batman because it was peace time and Batman wasn't needed or B) The haters who say it was because of Rachel? I want your answer before we go forward, and it's not an essay question. Funny you should attack ThreeTenToYuma for reporting posts when you admitted you did the same thing you hypocrite, I never reported anyones post. You did put words in my mouth, you said that I said that IMDB proves TDKR is a great film and it doesn't, it does prove it wasn't a flop as it is clear that the majority of fans loved the movie. You dishonest and you are a liar. Dude I fully admit Forest Gump has a high place on IMDB, how many times must I say this? No wonder you don't like TDKR, you can't even pay attention to a simple internet chat room thread, of course TDKR is too complicated for you. FOREST GUMP HAS A HIGH IMDB RATING BUT I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!!! Your case against TDKR amounts to nothing more than minor nitpicks and fabricated plot holes. You want to hate it plain and simple. Good for you, I really don't care what you put stock in and what you disregard, having said that you cannot deny that TDKR is the 67th greatest movie of all time according to IMDB. Ok maybe we need to get our definitions of a “flop”consistent. When I said IMDB proves TDKR isn’t a flop I wasnt just referring to box office, I was referring to a combination of factors including audience opinion, IMDB proves that TDKR was well liked by audiences therefore it’s foolish to say its a flop. Blade Runner 2049 was also beloved by fans and critics despite not making much at the box office. So no you can’t disregard IMDB That makes sense I guess so we’ll go with that. That would mean the hawks had to first beat the number 2 seed (really number 3) and then probably went against the number 3 seed (really number 4). And then the ducks beat the number 1 seed (really number 2) and then the number 4 seed (really number 5) I was just frustrated of entire scenes being just two people sitting in silence Never said that IMDB was an indicator of the quality of a film I said it proves TDKR wasn’t a flop, Forest Gump wasn’t a flop either. You are really bad at reading comprehension But that doesn't excuse the fact that Last Crusade has objective plot holes like Salah's gun disappearing. I have heard that it was taken away by God because of divine intervention but the only way that holds up is if we concede that God is a Nazi Sympathizer and oh wait, after reading some of the stuff from the bible that might actually make sense, my bad. Still it was never confirmed in the movie so I am going to need a little bit more evidence. I also understand about Forest Gump, that again doesn't change my opinion or the fact that many believe that both Pulp Fiction and Shawshank were more deserving of the Oscar. Forest Gump is the most overly quoted film of all time and quite frankly I am sick and tired of it and I can't forgive it for ripping off the ending of Back To The Future III. Apparently you do care about the majority of the complaints because you keep responding to my threads. That isn't putting words in your mouth, that is the conclusion that I drew based off of your behavior. You stayed silent when people were complaining left and right that Bruce quit because of Rachel, are you saying that those people are wrong? Because if you aren't I can show you direct evidence from the film that proves they are. Of course it is possible to understand the film and not like it, what I'm saying is as of now I have yet to hear a single complaint from anyone that isn't either a minor nit pick that all films have or results from an inability to understand the film, another classic is "Alfred would never leave Bruce" yet he did in the comics and his actions were consistent with his character. I didn't say it invalidated your opinion, I said that you are in the minority which is an objective fact. There was another thread where someone said TDKR was a flop and that is incorrect because the data says it isn't a flop. I didn't say that proves it's a great film, I said it refutes the statement that it's a flop. Dude I didn't say that IMDB was the sole indicator of a films quality, if you put words in my mouth again you are going on ignore. I said that TDKR was the 67th greatest film of all time according to IMDB and that is an accurate statement you cannot deny that. That's fine, I personally do put a lot of stock into IMDB, I don't put a lot of stock into the Oscars seeing how they have botched it on several occasions like saying Dances With Wolves is better than Goodfellas. You did not back it up with evidence from the film, you provided nothing but nitpicks such as random henchman #13 falling before Bruce's punch connected, I don't take you seriously because it seems you are looking for things to complain about. Dude I already said I know I'm in the minority over Last Crusade, that doesn't invalidate my opinion and we can debate all day about data Thank you so much for the clarification, my post has been corrected. The thing is my point still stands. Dude the guy is a violent psychopath criminal and he just kidnapped a drop dead gorgeous Nicole Kidman, are you seriously trying to tell me that neither Riddler, Two-Face or any of his thugs wouldn't even have considered raping her? I'm just being realistic here, those people have no morals. Not only did it make over a billion dollars it is also the 67th greatest film of all time according to IMDB and is the conclusion to one of the most beloved franchises of all time. Anyone who says it was a "flop" is being dishonest. I didn't say you did, I said plenty of other people have and I have demonstrated that the majority of the complaints are the direct result of the hater just not getting the film. Nowhere did I call you out on that. Your complaints are mostly nitpicks like random henchman #15 not throwing an effective punch which took place in the background and took up about half a second of screen time. I do not put words in your mouth although I do seem to remember a while ago you putting words in my mouth and I had to shut down the conversation because you were being dishonest. If you aren't trying to convince me that it's bad then what are you doing here? No one put a gun to your head and forced you to reply to my thread, all I did was state my opinion and you are well within your right to just hit the ignore button. I refuse to sympathize with anyone who won't use the ignore button. It is a fact that those who don't like TDKR are in the minority and I only said that to people who said things such as "obviously this film is a disappointment", that is not a true statement, TDKR isn't obviously a disappointment and the data backs that up despite the person making the comment saying otherwise. I know I'm in the minority in disliking Last Crusade and I have the maturity to admit it, I'm not the one going on the Last Crusade Board and implying that the data suggests its a bad film. No I stated my personal opinion and backed it up with concrete evidence from the film. While we are on the topic of Last Crusade you CANNOT say that TDKR has plot holes and Last Crusade does not, if you want to get technical the entire ending of Last Crusade is impossible because Sallah's gun disappears meaning the Nazis should have killed all four of the heroes. Yeah but in LTK all of the exploding alarm clocks and Wayne Newton aren’t enough to distract me from people getting fed to sharks, exploding heads, and being burned alive. LTKs tone I felt fit very well with Dalton’s portrayal, despite some comic relief. TLD felt more like Moore’s later films than LTK. In the book Quarrell takes the gun He only hit on Chase because he wanted to get under Bruce's skin, the main piece of evidence that points to him being gay is this: At one point during the movie he had a perfect opportunity to rape her and no one would be there to stop him and he didn't do it. Not at all and I don't think I ever remember saying that. The thing is you are trying to convince me that the movie is bad and if you want to convince me of that you are going to have to step it up considerably. And if people are going to say things like "how did Bruce get back to Gotham?" or "Bruce quit because of Rachel?", "why would Talia sleep with Bruce" or "Alfred was hallucinating" you need to expect some criticism because people who make those complaints wouldn't have a problem if they understood the movie. I said that a while ago, pay attention next time. Sure it's possible to understand the film and not like it but at this point I have not really heard a legit flaw that ruins the film that isn't rooted in ignorance. moviefanatic, I already told you that I didn't think the Clean Slate Exposition was well executed, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. I have also stated repeatedly that I wish the Talia twist had happened before the final battle began, it was a great twist but I felt it upset the pacing of the final battle which was also amazing. I have listened to all of the criticisms of TDKR and just about all of them don't hold up.