MovieChat Forums > SpaceAce2001 > Replies
SpaceAce2001's Replies
I never said it was a universal term, if you put words in my mouth again you are going on the ignore list because I don’t have time to waste on dishonest posters. There were plenty of kiddie/Mickey Mouse jokes and I estimate they comprised about 90 percent of the script.
So then what is more appropriate to classify as a “Mickey Mouse joke”? An adult joke or a kiddie joke? I never said there was a universal term “Mickey mouse joke” , it’s a label I chose to put on childish humor
Very well said, I will fully admit that in TOD they went a little too far with Willie and Short Round's comic relief, but even then the adventure was always the main focus. In TLC the adventure wasn't the main focus, the plot didn't even really matter, it was more of an Indiana Jones spoof where the focus was the humor (much like Monty Python except Monty Python was actually funny).
Nope I would say annoyed though considering we got two great films and Spielberg had an opportunity to make a perfect trilogy and he failed miserably on his third film. Last Crusade didn't even have to be as good as Raiders, if it was just at least as good as Temple that would have been fine. At least we finally got a perfect Trilogy in 2012 when Christopher Nolan finished The Dark Knight.
"Mickey Mouse jokes" also refer to kiddie humor in general whether they specifically mention Mickey Mouse or not. Like the librarian stamping books while Indy banging the floor is 100% synchronized with the guy stamping and thinks to himself "did is my stamp really that loud?" or the "X-marks the spot" line despite the other roman numerals being completely pointless and all Indy had to do was look for Roman Numeral X. Or the "oh Venice" line (damn it Jones stop trying to be James Bond, you suck at it), or here's another one "don't worry we're well out of range" --> Boom.
The film was riddled with Mickey Mouse humor because pre-schoolers became the new target audience after parents complained that Temple was too adult (despite the first two films never being marketed as kiddie films, kind of like how parents complained that Deadpool was inappropriate for children).
Really? Out of all the problems Last Crusade has this is the one you choose to post about? How about Indy and Henry making a trip clear across Europe in 2 minutes without any supplies, transportation or money and the entire German Army has been placed on full alert to intercept them.
What adult humor? Crusade was nothing more than slapstick violence and kiddie humor. It was the most immature out of all of them but the worst part about it is very simple: It's boring. John Williams score especially really killed it for me.
Temple was an intense action ride from the minute we get into the temple. The Thuggee Cult is more than a legitimate threat and the intense scenes of action along with the increased level of violence and gore (not gross out humor) makes it a very mature film along with Raiders. The problem is after Temple parents complained that it was too intense for children (and again I ask did they even see the first movie?) so Spielberg pussed out and made a kiddie film for Last Crusade. If he was going to tone down the violence and the adult themes I might be able to get past it if it was at least interesting but it wasn't. For the life of me I cannot understand why people seem to like this film.
LOL, don't think I saw that.
I would have been in 1936, not in 1938
Naw what’s that?
Unfortunately there are certain demographics of the country who think exactly like him and not only that but some parents tell their kids that everything they learn in science class is a lie and that magic is the answer.
Brody was nothing like that in the first film, they made him a bumbling idiot because they needed a character for the four year olds this film was intended for to laugh at.
Seriously, I don't go to a Star Wars movie for social justice propaganda.
She was the reason everyone was being attacked by killer sharks and she was a far less likable version of John Hammond. She had to die.
Oh I never said I saw it working, I too think the franchise is beyond repair. I simply think that bringing Luke back is a desperate attempt to breathe life into this sinking ship of a franchise. A major problem that Disney has aside from the films being garbage is that they are being released too close together so there is no hype or buildup for them and no one is getting excited anymore.
It looks like they are bringing Luke back as a force ghost more than likely. I think they planned on killing him off for good but when TLJ experienced a huge backlash and when Disney realized the new characters suck they back downed and decided to get Mark Hamil back to try to salvage whatever they can of episode IX
They weren’t kicking them out of school they were taking away their scholarships which meant most of them wouldn’t be able to afford to go there. Of course in order for this to happen the board would have to show just cause to justify the cancellation and Bombay assured them that no judge would see just cause meaning he would sue the school.
Not at all he’s a great actor, I loved him in 5 of the 6 official James Bond movies he was in (Diamonds Are Forever being the exception) he singlehandedly saved The Rock , he was also awesome in films like the untouchables and the hunt for red October.
Because he’s so great I hate seeing him reduced to Jar Jar antics like he was in Last Crusade
Personally I don’t think there should have been a joke at all but Jesse Owens at least would require the viewer to know a little bit about history and would have been relevant for the times. It was changed to Mickey Mouse because the four year olds this film was made for would know who that was.
Even ET which was made for kids/families was a more mature film that Last Crusade
No matter what anyone says I will never stop hating Last Crusade