MovieChat Forums > SpaceAce2001 > Replies
SpaceAce2001's Replies
Seriously apparently Forster thinks I don’t need to be able to see the face of the guy Bond is fighting
Dude you are talking to the guy who has all 3 films on blu ray Steelbook and has the special "conjoined" edition where all 3 films are edited into one which includes the alternate ending which simply restarts the entire 4.5 hour film.
Yeah seriously how could Ms Yennie ever think he was one of Tarantino’s agents. And did she not hear the people gasping for help in the back?
He's also got an unrealistically good shot, like when he shoots the black guy (not his wife or baby) clear across the parking lot in exactly the right place so that he only wounds him.
Also I only brought this up because you injected Indiana Jones into this discussion. You dug yourself this hole your stuck in, don't expect me to pull you out.
It's because I thought of other things to say, would you rather I just make each alteration in a separate post and flood this board? Plus I made the edits before you responded so your argument is nonsense.
LOL you think that Last Crusade was exciting??? Your standards are hilariously low. Last Crusade is one of the most painfully boring movie's I have ever seen. It's a damn shame because the first two are amazing.
Also you don't have a problem with a college professor and his 60 some year old father travelling 1500 miles in one day but you do have a problem with a master of theatricality and deception travelling 6000 miles in 23 days?
TDKR also is about what's going on in Gotham City, it's not about Bruce's tedious journey across Asia, the viewer didn't need to see it. A complaint about TDKR is that it's "too long" so you're telling me you'd want it to be even longer?
So which is it? Is it OK to just gloss over a hero making a long journey or isn't it? Because if it's a problem in TDKR it's a FAR BIGGER problem in Last Crusade. I'd be willing to just forgive the plot holes in Last Crusade if you'll do the same for TDKR. Come on, Last Crusade has far bigger problems than TDKR so I'm giving you a pretty good deal.
The blimp began in Germany, they had one conversation that lasted maybe about 3 minutes and then the blimp turned around, they did not make it all the way to Greece, that would be a plot hole. Plus when the Blimp took off Vogol woke up and he would have immediately radioed for the blimp to turn around. Also if they didn’t get off the blimp in Germany like you I’m really going to need some kind of confirmation
Let's say that they did make it all the way to Greece all you did was just introduce another plot hole by your logic. They also somehow caught up to Julian Glover which would just be another plot hole. If you think that Bruce making it back to Gotham is a plot hole then go on the Last Crusade board and attack that film with the same enthusiasm and then I'll consider taking you seriously.
That is a FAR bigger problem than Bruce making it back to Gotham, as it was established that it took him over 3 weeks and it was also established in the first film that he is an expert of moving around the world without being noticed. In all honesty I think you are just looking for things to complain about which is really sad and pathetic. I'm guessing you were also a fan of the Mickey Mouse joke.
Also several other action heroes such as Indiana Jones, James Bond, Rambo, Sarah Connor, Martin Riggs, John McClane, etc. seemed to receive quite a lot of battle damage and I don't recall anyone complaining about that.
Also did you have a problem with Batman and Rachel falling out of a 30 some story building, landing on a car and not having a single broken bone or scratch?
How was it done the "right way" in Indiana Jones???
Scene 1: Indy and Henry are stranded without any food, money or transportation in enemy territory
Scene 2: Julian Glover bribes the Sultan of Hatay (about a minute and a half of screen time)
Scene 3: Indy and Henry have now made it clear across Europe and are with Sallah and there is no explanation as to how they escaped hostile territory or acquired the resources to get them to their destination which was over a thousand miles away. They didn't have cell phones back then so it's not like they called Sallah to come pick them up. There was also no "red line map travel" so you can't use that excuse.
How is that done the right way? Their journey is far less plausible and occurs much more quickly than it does in TDKR. If you're trying to troll just tell me and I'll laugh it off.
By the way TDKR is a LOT better than Last Crusade.
Because of all of the tattling to the moderators I got sick of waiting for my suspension to end.
Because anyone with 2 brain cells can imply that more people fell down other than what was shown on screen. It was established that Bane's army shot a lot of the cops, it wasn't necessary to show every single cop who got shot, and again I'll reiterate most of the cops were wearing body armor.
So what you expect Nolan to show us every single cop that fell? That's preposterous, enough fell for the viewer to realize that Bane's army took out several cops, that's all we need. Thank god you weren't the editor of this film.
Sup moviefanatic, what you been up to?
Oh very funny you should bring up Indiana Jones because I remember him mysteriously travelling clear across Europe with no money, supplies, or transportation while managing to not be seen by the Nazis who were on full alert to intercept him. And his journey took about a minute and a half of screen time.
Bad argument, try again.
I counted several cops that fell and plenty more definitely fell when the camera wasn't on them. Again someone threw some tear gas at them and that gave the cops enough time to engage Bane's army and by that point the machine guns weren't as effective since the cops were mixed in with the mercenaries.
There is nothing wrong with that scene.
It's not bad editing, in one scene Fox says the Bomb goes off in 23 days and then when Bruce arrives he says "that bomb goes off tomorrow". Anyone can put the pieces together and figure out that it took Bruce a while to get back to Gotham and that the two scenes take place over 3 weeks apart.
Next time pay attention.
I thought you were done???
And that comment wasn't "denigrating your character", what you're saying doesn't make a whole lot of sense and those are the options that I see. Again I opened up the possibility that the teacher just made a mistake. It would be hard for anyone to remember one lesson that they had 40 years ago when they were just a kid. What you're saying isn't very likely and not very convincing. It has nothing to do with your character.
I don't really care what religious people believe, I am however sick and tired of the way that some theists treat atheists. They talk down to atheists with a holier than thou attitude and feel it's their duty to "save them" or in other words just get them to think the way they do, as if there is something wrong with them (examples: "God has thrown you a life preserver, reach out and take it", "Jesus died for you", "I'll pray for you", "I feel sorry for you that you haven't found Jesus", etc.). They think that out of all of the world religions out there that they are the only ones who have it right (not to say other religions aren't like this also) and that everyone else is just wrong and for the crime of simply having a different world view they are going to hell to be eternally tortured (I'm assuming that is what you think as well, correct me if I'm wrong). As far as the concept of hell goes, I have a HUGE problem with it, first of all by Christian logic 2/3 of the world's population is going there and secondly is it morally just to torture someone forever for simply not loving you enough when they don't have any confirmation you even exist? They also act as if they are able to debunk all of evolution/Big Bang Theory/abiogenesis with "evidence" (such as a banana) that only points to their ignorance on the subject and not only is that incredibly obnoxious it's also pretty insulting to anyone who has a background in science. The truth of the matter is there is no way to possibly know if any world religion is right. I know plenty of atheists who are terrified to come out because they live in a religious community or have a religious family and don't want to have to deal with the hassle of other people "trying to save their soul" or being treated as if there is something wrong with them.
Believe me in some communities it is incredibly hard to admit you are an atheist. I know other atheists know how to dish it out, I have seen some atheists vocally attack religion and I don't think that is right either. If you want people to respect your beliefs then you need to respect other people's beliefs and yes this goes both ways I understand that, but if you read back through my posts I don't think I ever once attacked anyone for simply being Christian. I don’t like bring preached at it has happened to me and I simply wanted the conversation to end because I didn’t feel like getting into an uncomfortable position. I know you wouldn’t like it if a friend or a family member tried to convert you to let’s say Islam or Judaism.
Answer me this, do you believe that myself and every other non-believer (which would be well over half the world population) on the planet is going to hell and if so do you agree with it?
Watch the scene again many of the cops did fall, but then someone threw a canister of tear gas into the center so Bane's army couldn't see where they were aiming and that gave the cops enough time to engage them. Plus many of them were wearing body armor.
That's fine and if the scene is overexaggerted then that's fine with me as pretty much every action movie has similar overexaggerations. Again the point still stands that if you don't know the extent of his injury then you cannot claim that its impossible for him to recover. Again Prison Alfred popped the vertebrae back in and then he rested for weeks without moving the injury which is what you are supposed to do.