MovieChat Forums > tlm550 > Replies

tlm550's Replies

What is the point of this? You're not at all funny. Reviews? Don't ever read movie reviews by "professional" critics. You'll just be led in the wrong direction. They didn't explain this part to anyone else. And how were they going to administer the antidote? They turned on the radio signal and then started to run. It made no sense at all. never heard of this arcade game it provided a chuckle... it wasn't that funny I had no idea what to expect. I don't watch movie trailers because I don't want movies to be ruined for me before I see them. 1. A friend told me it was a very good movie. 2. He also said that the Ford Bronco prototype was used in it. (which was originally shown in 2004!! I saw this design in 2003 or 2004 at an auto show when I worked in the auto industry) 3. From the poster, I knew who the star was. That is ALL that I knew about it. I watched it because several people said it was good. A couple of people being eaten by ridiculously oversized animals didn't bother me. But i was insulted by the horrible CGI and the very lame story and events. The CGI was awful in this. But this is not a King Kong movie. She's an attractive woman... at least the way she appeared in the movie. Hard to tell when women wear so much nasty makeup. Not sure what Moonlight is... Oh, an unknown, limited-release crappy movie. What was the gift? His name is AXL. How is that so hard? That is not at all true. They just had a facade for the Walton's House and it was destroyed after filming of the series ended. There is no one on this show named "Axel". You need to adjust your TV or replace it. They don't look pink. yeah, so? go watch a high school game.... see how scrawny most of them look... That can be winter in the Midwest... it can be 20 degrees and snowing in the morning with ice on the roads... and 70 degrees and sunny when you get off work or out of school. Why try to guess? That's stupid. Just watch it as it is aired... let the writers do the work. So, her CHARACTER annoys you? yeah, she is annoying at times.... but it is how the character is written... they go way over the top sometimes. Lots of people who get small, above ground pools only use it for the kids. The only time adults get it in usually when the kids are away. Obviously lots of people watch it because it is very funny. It is funny because it is FICTION. 90% of this is NOT at all like small town living in Indiana. The women who created it aren't even from small towns... One is from Chicago and the other is from Cincinnati. While it is funny most of the time, this is not how it is...