MovieChat Forums > The Middle (2009) Discussion > Patrica Heaton ruins The Middle

Patrica Heaton ruins The Middle

Patricia Heaton.

Oh how she annoys me. I don't think there is a coincidence that the characters she plays are:

Over sensitive

Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.

Debra Barone-Heaton
Frankie Heck/Heaton

While people say Sue is annoying yes probrobly, but if you rewatch the show which I recommend as the moments without Heaton are for the most part good/refreshing. Pay attention to my listed characteristics "if you've not already noticed" you'll see my point.

P.S April is adorable, slightly slow but so lovable, Cindy is also a perfect match for brick


That describes women in general.


Let me guess it’s been 3 years since this comment and you still live alone in your moms basement


It's called acting.

She's an actress.


Read the OP's post, Ryan. It has nothing to do with "acting" and everything to do with the "actress."


I did read the OP's post. It seems they've made a rash generalisation about Patricia Heaton as a woman just because the characters she plays have the attributes listed.

It's called acting. Just because someone plays a character does not mean that they are the same in real life.

She's an actress. She didn't write the show. She plays a part. It's acting.

Seriously, actors can play a character that isn't exactly like them.



Good point, Ryan.

I watched an interview with the cast of the old TV show Little House on the Prairie. I've only recently discovered the show and I've become a big fan. In the interview, the cast was asked about who was the least like the character that they portrayed, they all mentioned Katherine MacGregor -- the actress who portrayed "Harriet Oleson" (the nasty wife of the store-owner).

Apparently, the cast and crew thought that she was the most fun and warm person to be around. She loved to talk with the cast and crew and would participate in games and pranks on set. However, the actress was typecast as a mean, cruel and eccentric woman because of her roles. She retired following the show because she said that it was difficult for her to find another acting gig because the people would only see "mean old Mrs. Oleson."

Consequently, she became an acting coach.



I can't see Scary Mary's posts because I have chosen to ignore her. Her posts only show up with her name and "Post Ignored."

Still, I suspect that she still has to throw in some asinine "Nancy" comment when she directs a post at me.

If I'm wrong about that, I apologize. However, I really dislike people who turn message boards into their own personal medium for insulting anyone who "she" might disagree with.




Again, I can't read Scary Mary's posts when I am logged into IMDB. I just see "Post Ignored" and her name.

However, I just opened up the link (via email) on my smartphone's browser (upon which I am not logged in). Just as I suspected, Mary can't help herself but try and control the narrative and rhetorically push her weight around with anyone who disagrees.

Maybe she is motivated by her own loneliness? My wife (yes, I am a guy) just shrugs her shoulders and says that Mary might be one of those abrasive people who keep us on our toes in life.

Still, it has felt good not to read the words of an annoyingly bitter bully desperate for attention and/or control. As someone else said, the "ignore" button certainly make these IMDB message boards feel somewhat more civil.

ScaryMary123, there is no reason to respond. I really don't care what you have to say -- especially if it amounts to little more than additional bitter words followed by a dismissive annoyance to the fact that someone just doesn't want to read your words.




This thread shows evidence of another of yuckyflappy's tactics (that's a variation on one of the names he was using when I first "met" him): whatever offensive posts of his that don't get deleted by an administrator, he deletes himself. Clearly IMDB doesn't care about the filth he spews here, and he seems to get a kick out of upsetting people and getting a negative reaction. Then he deletes the offensive posts and to anyone casually reading the thread it looks like his targets are crazy.

I think I read a review of his book that said his monster was OK but his victims were weak. I have a theory that he came to IMDB to be a monster and get other users to write some better victims for him.

He also reminds me of a type of creature called a "dybbuk" that I have read about in stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer. This is a creature that spends its days blithely causing trouble for people, simply because it brings him pleasure.


He also reminds me of a type of creature called a "dybbuk" that I have read about in stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer. This is a creature that spends its days blithely causing trouble for people, simply because it brings him pleasure.

Gee, and what "trouble" have I caused for you, besides getting your soiled panties in a wad?

But you're right. That you'd actually mess yourself over my comments does give me a LOT of pleasure!


I think that IMDB cares, but they may not have the infrastructure to monitor each and every troll on their website.

I think that it would hope if IMDB could adopt a automatic system by which they monitor for users who post via multiple accounts using the same IP address.

Several newspapers are using this to prevent spam and trolls. I live in the Silicon Valley and most of our local newspapers (e.g., Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice, The Almanac, etc.) use this to restrict trolls.

They still have human moderators; however, the system automatically flags individuals using the same IP address to either push an agenda or harass other users.

On IMDB, chronic or even banned violators simply create new accounts and engage in their same old ridiculous shenanigans. By blocking user names, email accounts [u]and[/u] location-based IP addresses from logging in, it might help make sure that the "inmates don't control of the asylum."



On IMDB, chronic or even banned violators simply create new accounts and engage in their same old ridiculous shenanigans. By blocking user names, email accounts [u]and[/u] location-based IP addresses from logging in, it might help make sure that the "inmates don't control of the asylum."

Dream on, Nance. That will NEVER happen. You can't ban someone for having multiple accounts that emanate from the same IP. There's nothing illegal about it, and neither are there any rules against it in the IMDB playbook.

Sounds to me like you just don't want people disagreeing with you.





Frankie Heck is annoying. Don't know what Patricia Heaton is like, never met her.


I love Frankie Heck (and Heaton too, lol) . She embodies the struggle of someone striving to be a better person, despite herself.

And I love Sue Heck, because she is that better person, despite herself.

Placing trolls on ignore makes the board so nice :)


I love Frankie Heck (and Heaton too, lol) . She embodies the struggle of someone striving to be a better person, despite herself.

Frankie is one of the worst characters ever created for TV.

She lies, cheats, steals. She's lazy, sloppy, never takes responsibility for herself, and blames everyone else for her problems. Then, she plays the victim and martyr.

Frankie gives women an excuse to be irresponsible and unreliable. Anyone who "admires" Frankie is living in a dream world.


So, her CHARACTER annoys you?

yeah, she is annoying at times.... but it is how the character is written... they go way over the top sometimes.


You like April out of everyone in the show. You’re opinions don’t count lol. She was dumb and annoying as hell. Which is exactly how they wanted her to be portrayed.
Plus Patty’s character Frankie has an ungrateful family who take advantage of her and give her little or no respect. The husband Mike has the emotions of a rock and she’s constantly disrespected by her son. I definitely get why she was just done with trying.


Well she's won 3 Emmy's.


The haters pretend to not acknowledge this. They rather fantasize they are right lol


I was never a fan of "Everybody Loves Raymond" (although my wife loved it) and I didn't know how I'd react to Patricia Heaton being in "The Middle." I thought she was fantastic in it. Frankie has her flaws, but I think you really pull for her character and I thought Patricia Heaton did a tremendous job in portraying her.


I loved the Middle so I won't say she ruined it.
And it was the character Frankie Heck.....not Patricia Heaton.
Frankie was quite annoying though.
Brad, they were often funny and you could laugh at their quirks and such. She was more often annoying and overbearing.

She didn't ruin the show though.
