MovieChat Forums > loa14 > Replies

loa14's Replies

Who even cares - this was blown so far out of proportion. 4 seconds of him with his hands in his pants is not a scandal, however much they want it to be. You're in a cult. Are you American, by any chance? Outside of the puritanical world, sex is a part of life, not something to be hidden or relegated to porno films. The film is about a boy as he grows up and becomes a man. I'd be more surprised if it DIDN'T have some sex. Dear letter writer, No. Write an open letter to the Democrats and get them back into reality first, then we'll talk. Love, American Citizens Ooohh, be careful! I hear these new Smart TVs have cameras in them! On top of the obvious zombie consumerism thing, there's also satire of the anti-capitalist crowd too. The looters at the very end of the film are obvious socialists ("We don't like people who don't share, you just fucked up real bad" and "Hey, haven't you heard of human rights?"). The woman, Fran, believes their claim that there are only a few of them and is motivated by compassion. Ultimately they prove to be opportunists who destroy their surroundings, steal, wreak havoc, then ride off into the night and in the end prove more destructive than the mindless consumerism ever was. Probably done as a joke. Azamat Bagatov didn’t even need a black bar because his gigantic fat covered his pecker. In that case: You make a good point, dame! True, you make a good point, sire. Right. The rich family were presented as oblivious to the real world at times, but they weren’t parasitical in any sense. The only parasites in the film were the family members who smelled opportunity and got each other hired, often at the expense of others. And to a lesser extent the husband hiding in the basement who was stealing food. You don’t think the servants and tutors are happy to have the money? Yes, those capitalist pigs in South Korea could sure learn a thing or two about equality from their cousins in the north. Everyone is equal there. You nailed it. What’s more, these scenes with the evil straw man characters are just a cover for a small minority of rabid feminists who hate men to get their kicks seeing a man get the shit kicked out of him. It’s a French movie, dude. You are what they call, “les incompetents”. Good bobs and vagene They won’t and that’s the problem with activist movements. Even once their initial demands are met, they don’t just pack up and go home. They Just keep on complaining about trivial nonsense. Maybe Americans can learn how to read and we can all be spared that! Agree, obviously she’s under stress but she’s a total narcissist. The father tells her he’s been conscripted to be used as cannon fodder for the government and all she can think about is how it disadvantages her. I was giving OP the benefit of the doubt - if he’s watching a dodgy download and is seriously using it to judge the film, he’s a total and utter moron. There’s no way a camcorded version would provoke the same reactions, even if the dialogue was halfway intelligible. I don’t get the reference. Can you explain it?