AvaSinatra59's Replies

I'm pretty sure one label said gin. I'm guessing the other is vodka or white rum. That's great. Thank you. Thank you. I was thinking of The Naked City, but as you say, that was directed by Jules Dassin. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry it's taken me this long to write back. Thank you. Thanks so much for posting that link. Really appreciate it. Agreed. Thank you. Agreed. Thank you. Mingo: I can swallow any more salami. Fante: It's all we got. "Surely he can charge a fee for such services. After all, we are not Communists." (For a ménage à trois.) I'm sure it was edited out to fit in commercials. I hate when that happens. I never saw the scene your Mom refers to, but it makes perfect sense. Agreed. She was the heart and soul of the movie. Totally blew me away. Maybe it's a matter of context. His penis was shown on the way to the urinal, and not "necessarily" sexually provocative, and was flaccid, which I think makes a difference in what the film is rated. "You like your lasagna?" Save it for the library. Agreed and well said. His age/the fact that he was older than Deborah was brought up by Lettie to Deborah. As I recall, Harry mentioned it when he was telling Deborah how much she changed his life, etc. Fair enough.