MovieChat Forums > Star 80 (1984) Discussion > Eric Robert's talent far outshines siste...

Eric Robert's talent far outshines sister Julia..

It's truly a shame that Eric Robert's talent (as evidenced in his Oscar caliber performance in Star 80} has never been fully appreciated in Hollywood. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Julia. I love watching her in just about anything but as far as acting goes, I'm always fully aware that I am watching JR on the screen and never experience that suspension of disbelief that comes when a truly gifted actor transforms him/herself into a different person for a film. Eric did just that (spectacularly) in this movie and was able to deliver a portrayal that was both horrifying and heart-wrenching. It could not have been easy to elicit sympathy for the character of Paul considering his actions but that is exactly what he and other profoundly mentally ill people deserve a measure of despite the knee jerk reaction of our society to just dismiss them as evil and "flip the switch". But i digress. My point is that Eric Roberts showed his enormous talent as an actor early on in his career and was quickly ( and unfortunately) outshone by his sister. Pity.


While I was watching "The Dark Knight" I remember thinking how nice it was for him to be seen again by such a huge audience, after not seeing him on screen for years.


Same here. Other than the occasional cameo in a feature film or some television appearances it seems he is rarely seen anymore... Unfortunately (for ER as well as Hollywood), in a field which is increasingly focused on youth and sex appeal, his chances of becoming a major "player" in films has most likely passed. However judging by the comments in this thread there are some who can still appreciate his talent and body of work. Thanks for the reply.


He is a wonderful actor. His performance in Star 80 is perfect. He is superb in The Pope Of Greenwich Village as well.

No Louis, you're mistaken. It's not me.


Eric is the really talented one. I think two of his best roles were "Star 80" and the "The Pope of Greenwich Village".

He plays sleazeballs but you still feel bad for him, not an easy feat for an actor to pull off.

As far as Julia's "beauty"..sorry she is nothing to look at.

IMO she goes from very average looking to downright homely at times.

Eric got the looks in the family and the talent.


"The bedbug took my thumb Charlie" enough said!!


I could not agree more! He is a very talented actor. The first film I ever saw him in was "King Of The Gypsies" and he really had something that made you want to see more of him.


Make no mistake, I'll easily pick anything other than a Julia Roberts film.

No, I'm laughing with you not at{against} you!


LOL... No offense taken. I know MANY people who feel exactly the same as you. In fact, if I'm looking for something to watch with the expectation of being impressed by an actor's performance, it's NOT going to be a Julia Roberts film. However, if I just want to sit and veg out in front of some harmless, mindless fluff (esp "chick flick" fare like "Runaway Bride", "Mystic Pizza", "Pretty Woman", etc), I'll be more than happy watching JR play herself over and over again.... It's my secret shame!! :)


this is a movie that I'll never watch again, and I thought it was perfect.


There are definitely two kinds of actors - character actors, and "leading" actors. Eric is the former and Julia is the latter. Now, not to knock lead actors - they have to have enough charisma to hold a film pretty much by themselves. But it's not as fleshed out a talent as the character actor. There aren't many actors these days who can be both. They seem to have been all of a bygone era. Movies up to the late 80's/early 90's had a more real and approachable feel to them. Compare the actors (and acting) of, say, "Jaws" to something like "Transformers" of today and you'll see what I mean. Back then, it was all about character and story. Today's Hollywood wants people who look good and can read lines. (The music industry seems to be of the same ilk of late. But I digress...)In that sense, Eric belongs to the era of our yesteryears, and Julia belongs in today's Hollywood.

I admire the character actors myself - they can dissolve into a character, have to have a tremendous range, and seem to have a lot more fun than the leads. Mel Blanc - I rest my case. Not many can make it in both categories...Jack Lemmon comes to immediate mind.


You make some very good points. And I especially agree with you on the observation in re to the music industry.


Agreed and well said.
