MovieChat Forums > Techto > Replies

Techto's Replies

I love Grant and Dunne, too, and was looking forward to seeing this. But, you’re right, they lacked chemistry and the movie dragged. The kind of help that Quueg was seeking from his officers amounted to subornation of purjury. Queeg lied to cover up his acts of incompetence and cowardice and wanted his men to go along with the lies out of a sense of loyalty, compassion and/or a sense of family. To have acceded to such a request would have been a breech of duty and dishonorable. Right. The support that Queeg was seeking from his men was to accept his false accounts of facts to cover up his incompetence and cowardice. Except the kind of “support” that Queeg sought from his officers was a willingness to lie on his behalf to cover up his incompetence and cowardice. It would have been dishonorable to have acceded to such a request. Greenwald’s accusation that the officers hadn’t shown Queeg basic compassion was an outrageous slander. Before he took up Meryk’s defense, Grrenwald had said that he would have preferred to argue the case for the prosecution. I think he felt that guilty because, in his arrogance, he felt he could have successfully prosecuted Meryk and spared Queeg’s reputation. But that would have been exceedingly unjust — murdering Meryk, who was a legitimate hero. I wouldn’t recommend that you do. Yes, they were. Difference could be down to wardrobe. She looked much worse in Superman IV. Apparently she did her own hair and make-up for that film and her wardrobe was dowdy. I think she was attractive in the first film, though I wouldn’t go so far as to call her hot. Although I remember thinking to myself that she did look the part of a smoker. I don’t think Margot looked as good in the second film as she had in the first. I’m not so confident that she was fulfilling his needs until, perhaps, the moments after the film’s end. He seemed pretty frustrated and tired to me. But that was played for laughs — long-suffering pop-pop played by the understanding and charming Cary Grant. This film was a female fantasy. Haha. I assume you are being sarcastic. It was funny how the wind was often howling when it looked pleasant outside. And the snow was sparse on the ground. Tina’s figure was incredible. She often wore form-fitting dresses in GI and she obviously was curvaceous but, damn, she looked cartoonish in this. It’s such a bland poster and reveals nothing about the nature of the film but that Phoenix is the star and can grow a ‘stache. So very boring. Not sure why she couldn’t have just created a gimped copy of herself so that Theo could continue to enjoy companionship. She’s just software, after all. Well said. I don’t even find Scarjo attractive so my mental image of the actress wasn’t helping matters. Agreed. I find Scarjo’s voice is raspy and grating. I would have changed it in the settings of my OS at the first opportunity. The film’s premise is interesting but not enough to save it, ultimately, from becoming boring. Also, I don’t like Scarjo’s raspy voice, her AI character’s neediness or Theo’s sad sack nature. The movie’s pacing was also too slow for my taste. lol I did not know she was Miss USA but I’m not surprised she won. Absolutely. Tom’s dead wife was hardly buried before he was out in a date. Pretty unseemly. I agree — they argued a lot. It’s an old trope that an arguing couple has passion for one another. I presume that we are meant to think this and that, once past this stressful stage in their lives and having discovered they loved each other (and Eddie) that everything was hunky dory thereafter. But, by any realistic standard, there is good reason to be concerned for their future prospects. I’m sure others will disagree, but while Elizabeth was unquestionably the better choice to be Eddie’s mother and probably the better choice all things considered to be Tom’s wife, Rita would have made a better companion for Tom.