MovieChat Forums > Betamax66 > Replies
Betamax66's Replies
The Battle of Medway, ad43
The Battle of Mount Badon, c.516
The Battle of Brunanburh, 937
The Battle of Lincoln, 1217
The Battle of Towton, 1461
The Battle of Flodden, 1513
Peterloo, 1819
I'm not duped. He was a CIA field agent doing black ops, not an NSA intel genius like Snowden or Will Binney (25 years plus as a top codebreaker for the NSA) whom you didn't mention.
Snogres was talking about events from ''25 years out of date'' because it was what he was asked to do, and it sparked his being frozen out by the CIA.
He has gone into details about events since and has been targetted for assassination by his former employers, hence his issues. I think you're the one, along with millions of others, who is ''duped''.
And what would he have got up to at such private ''clubs'' and retreats as Bohemian Grove for the wealthy and famous????!!!!
Or, brave guy for revealing what the CIA really get up to.
I think it's ''nuts'' to believe every Govt and Intelligence agency.
England? No voters in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland?
Btw, Queen were excellent and Freddie perhaps the greatest voice ever, but the Beatles rule.
Fascinating stuff.
Great post.
Noooo, I'm observing on a public forum, which is the aim here?
Masterpiece is SUBJECTIVE, without the childish sexual ''comparison''.
Shows the USA up for the vacuously racist, ultra-right wing reactionary country the world suspects it is...
Really? Lol
Groan, I take jokes often, etc etc.
Grow up, understand that other's have a right to a view without being ''wrong'' because you don't like it, and stop showing off to your mummy, little ignorant boy.
He does. Maybe he's still covering his own family secret in some misguided loyalty to his dead brother?
Maybe he is attoning for sleeping with his brother's wife, in his own deluded way?
I agree, the implication throughout is that Doreen is HIS daughter.
Keith- recovering on the bed after a beating, even screams this out loud to an uncaring, exiting Carter.
Yeah, makes good sense. I wonder if the hitman simply turned up late and that was his earliest chance?
Remember, the pair had already run for ages far from their original meeting point at the pier?
Aye, it's grim up north, lad!
Barr IS a racist who hides insidious and malicious asides behind the throw-away label of ''joke'', as cowardly bigots do.
This isn't a 'left' or 'right' thing, it's about decency and respect. Clearly ''the right'' doesn't have that.
God yes, he was still exposing the disgusting US manipulation in another country, he exposed it and was killed.
Talk about free speech in America.
Anyway- other films are 'Marathon Man', 'Three days of the Condor' and 'Nixon'.
Where does it mention this film in that link?
Are all of these people retarded?
Yes! I noticed many continuity errors when watching it today!
Must have been a bad editor, or a hurried/interfered with release?