Betamax66's Replies

It's defo worth watching, the same spirit. Grow up, moron. My observations remain valid. Stop your immature boob fetish. Boy But it's written by ENGLISH writer, Michael Hirst? Also, who do you think Heahmund was? It was just sad and bitter? ImdB. This website benefitted from the closure of that site's famous message boards 2 years ago and has copied it's content (ported over to here?) and appearance almost exactly. Load of shit, clearly creases in her pants, as we fellas do when we move. Have you fags ever been with women? Interesting. I also think they'll argue but eventually agree to accept him in the dire fight that is to come. I personally think Jamie'll die fighting the wights in the huge war, along with other favourites, before Cersei betrays them all. Obviously everyone agreed... Sorry I'm not following ''your rules'', it's my opinion and you'll have to learn to disagree. Could have been great, but Bloom was no lead man, character a wimp. Obviously Monty as Patton died in 1945!!! Duh There are loads, I watched it last ages ago. Those three stick with me, and are enough as it is! People really need to examine how many ENGLISH people there are in Scottish royalty timelines... Saint Margaret (sister of the atheling Edgar of 1066) marrying Malcolm III (killed 1093) their issue becoming several kings of Scotland. The horror... Yeah it was a bit quick of the army to show up, especially as we don't hear monsters growling painfully/angrily or loudly if the army attacked and killed them? A time lapse of them hiding in the car would be better, reacting to loud monster noises being wiped out by soldiers/aircraft and mistaking it for an attack on them in the car? An audience would be bored of waiting real-time? Didn't you hear the snarling monsters in the background whilst he loaded the gun in the car??? Plus, as they had already witnessed various horrible things on the 'escape', and throughout the past day or two. Hopelessness sets in. I agree- even King himself said so! Agreed, because spotty US teens are the target audience I wondered that? I never quite got this guy's actions either? Incredible mentality