MovieChat Forums > PeppermintHippo > Replies
PeppermintHippo's Replies
Okay how about cast women who are vaguely f^€kable, it’s hard to get excited when there are no flaws with these women. I mean how on earth are we supposed to imagine banging a California 10/10? We would have to pull a Brock Turner because these women would never give a normal dude the time of day.
When something like this happens you should immediately get into your car and head over to there house to see if they’re actually busy. If you determine that they lied to you then barge through the front door and confront them and demand an explanation. If they try to kick you out or call the police then I recommend fleeing the scene first, then begin to smear them on social media, make sure to emphasize that this person is a huge liar. If you follow this advice it should take care of the problem.
You haven’t listed a single fact yet, I’m not even sure you know what that word means. Can’t say I’m all that surprised by someone who bases their logic on emotions, identity politics, and PC nonsense.
I refuse to type out long winded PC sentences to clarify that obviously not all women are dumb, just the ones who voted for Hilary.
Race and intelligence go hand in hand. All species have certain sub groups that are more intelligent than others. Why do you think white majority countries are always the most developed and wealthiest?
The first statement was a fact, obviously you agree or you could have easily pointed out a brown majority country or black majority country that isn’t dirt poor and rival to the United know I’m right so you hurl the racism card.
Women who vote Democratic don’t know anything about politics, this is also a fact. The left preaches a victim mentality that actually holds women back and puts them in a box. If I was a woman I would be embarrassed if I fell for the enslaved nonsense rhetoric that the left pushes day in and day out. The women’s march has to be the most cringe worthy event I’ve ever seen in my lifetime....demanding rights that they already’s no wonder Women are so far back from where they should be....stop asking for handouts and playing the victim.....try getting off your butts and invent something or work your way up to CEO instead of protesting and playing the victim.
I’m against affirmative action so no I’m not racist and I refuse to pretend that men and women are the same, both genders are unique and have their own positive attributes so no I’m not a sexist either.
Liberals are so obsessed with change that they’re self destructive in nature. It’s gotten so bad that they’re willing to pretend that over 80 genders exist, they want to pretend that men and women are basically the same and allow girls into the boy scouts and men into the women’s room. They want to feminize men at every turn, even if it leads to the collapse of society....all so we can end all wars, end all discrimination, end all rape, end all violence.... but this Utopian society will never exist...why ruin this good thing we got going on for some fantasy pipe dream?
When did I say she didn’t? The fact that she barely beat Trump by popular vote just shows how the media were clueless in claiming she would win by a landslide. Only brainwashed minority’s and women who know nothing about politics voted for her, those that are white males had to be borderline mentally disabled to vote for her.
Wikipedia is run by liberal nut jobs. Liberals believe in equality of outcome, not actual equality. Basically it’s okay to steal money from the rich, subtract SAT scores from non blacks, and hire unqualified blacks through affirmative action. This isn’t equality, it’s evil through in through. Also everyone believes in Civil Rights and minority’s are protected under law in this country. Acting like this is a Liberal exclusive belief is complete nonsense. Did you forget that it was the Republicans who helped free the slaves from the racist Democrats?
Kneeling doesn’t involve speech, it’s just a disrespectful thing to do and of course the moral deprived left sees no issue with this surprise surprise.
If you’re a Liberal then you aren’t actually Christian, hate to break this to you. It very clearly says in the Bible that being Gay is wrong, you can’t pretend to be a
Follower and not follow the rules.
It’s a fact that most Liberals are professional apalogists for followers of Islam. It’s an evil religion that goes against everything the left claims to stand for but are just too stupid to realize.
No most troops are conservative as they are almost always Pro Gun and white males. Liberals tend to be wimpy in nature which is why they choose to protest instead (a cowardly act).
There is also a huge difference between immigration and illegal immigration. The wall is to stop illegal immigrants from breaking the law, not keeping law abiding immigrants out.
The United States is so successful because it’s inhabited by a majority white race. Just look and any African country with majority blacks or any middle eastern country with majority brown people, they’re all poor. Ever wonder why that is? Have you ever heard of “survival of the fittest”.
Liberals hate this country so much that their willing to destroy our economy by almost electing a socialist nut job just because their college professor told them that it works, which it never does. Liberals hate this country so much that they will demand that their own rights be taken away (2nd amendment) but at the same time march in the streets demanding for rights that they already have like a bunch of lunatics with pitchforks just praying for the downfall of this country. They will praise murderous dictators and vilify anyone who gets in their way. The End
Liberalism always leads to genocide and famine. It’s a self defeating philosophy where we disable those creating jobs and enable job loss and crime.
Zero evidence of Russian collusion and tons of polls confirming that Trump
Was elected for being the only anti-illegal immigration candidate proves me right. Just use common sense, would ya?
8 years of Obama got Trump elected. All the candidates had to do was say “we need to stop illegal immigration” and they would’ve been elected. This is a much likelier scenario than Russians tricking half the country lol.
You know what Liberals and Russians have in common? A love for communism.
Liberalism is an evil ideology that believes in judging people based on their own skin color (affirmative action/SAT adjusted scores). It’s so evil that it justifies stealing wealth from people for the greater good and preaches identity politics which is nothing more than modern day discrimination.
Liberals are okay with kneeling during the anthem, are anti-Christian but pro Islam, are against the constitution for the most part, and want communism to rule the land....this is about anti-american as you can get.
They also don’t want to show support for our own troops, have been brainwashed to hate capitalism, and see no issue with having open borders which would completey destroy the fabric of the country if gone unchecked for too long.
Long story short, Liberals hate this country that they live in and desperately want to be more like Canada or Sweden. If they really loved this country then they would want to keep things just as they are, but instead they hate the ground that they walk on so they want extreme changes. The End
Pro-America isn’t Liberal, hope that clears up any confusion.
The OP clearly has lame horror tastes and doesn’t understand the genre at all. Best stick with “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and “Zombieland” because Fulci is too intelligent for you. #Truth
It’s basically her word against Cosby though, that’s what I’m confused about. Maybe instead of hurling insults you could be a decent human being and show respect? Just a thought
Gotta be the scene at the end of ‘Alien’ where Ripley is in her underwear, always grossed me out.