Bloodshot77's Replies

I love how you brain deads have the nerve to talk about someone else's intelligence. Makes for a fun read. You should have just posted "im a racist" Less words to type. Easily done with enough magnets. That is actually a pretty good plan. They are both equally to blame. Trump released the Taliban and Biden screwed up the withdrawal. That was pretty dumb. And 2020. An idiot will believe anything, when things don't go his way. Well said??? The guy can't string together a coherent sentence. Way to show your intelligence as well. How's the weed tonight, Randallllll? I'm not the one crying for attention on a movie site. Look in the mirror, pal. You are all fucking weirdos. I want to burn my eyes after reading this nonsense. And I mean every single one of you. Get a life. You got issues brah Something like that. Can you imagine all the cry babies, if they killed him off? Just look at the Glenn outcry. He was whisked away in a helicopter. Did you not see that episode? National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood. Post. Father of Emma Roberts. Thanks for subjecting me to this. 10 minutes I'll never get back. Can't rape the willing.