Bloodshot77's Replies

You think me saying "They told us for four years they would vote for ANYONE but Trump" means I'm claiming 'many' people voted for Biden. What else does that mean, dumb dumb? You proved nothing. You are just twisting words. Typical of someone who likes that orange glob of shit. Lol. Like i care. You are still the idiot. Your reading comprehension sucks and trump haters are a majority. 81>74 youre a typical trump supporter bafoon. Ah yeah, ok. Act like you don't know what I'm talking about. So this is admitting that that many people actually voted for Biden. –] KinkyInk (905) an hour ago They told us for four years they would vote for ANYONE but Trump. And then they proved it. And this is your biggest issue with this show? Really? Oh. So now the election is real? Make up your damn minds! You all flip flop more than my flip flops. Even Trump does not want it back. He's probably relieved. Keep dreaming though. I enjoy reading these pointless and dumb posts. Rent Free. He wasn't smart enough to pull out when he had Eric. Try again. Ha. Nah. I poop enough. Take some horse dewormer to calm down. I love how you brain deads have the nerve to talk about someone else's intelligence. Makes for a fun read. You should have just posted "im a racist" Less words to type. Easily done with enough magnets. That is actually a pretty good plan. They are both equally to blame. Trump released the Taliban and Biden screwed up the withdrawal. That was pretty dumb. And 2020.