MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > I hate this guy but

I hate this guy but

Then again I hate all professional liars.


I don’t like him either. Never trusted him since day 1.


You'd hate Fauci even more if you knew of some of the things he's done in the past, such as:

- he was the dipshit who started all those myths about how AIDS was spread like the common cold, or left on toilet seats and doorknobs
- he was also responsible for a lethal treatment of AIDS patients that killed some of the volunteer patients who tried it, and the entire thing was covered up
- he helped fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology a year or so before the virus was released--he used a middle-man company to funnel over $600,000 into helping the very same people who caused millions of people to die from this virus, and then attempted to lie about it during court hearings, until the evidence was called out
- is a globalist and is very interested in reducing the world population, just like Bill Gates and other assholes who want a one world govt.
- hasn't practiced medicine in over 20 years, and wasn't very good at it after med school; in fact, he peaked in medical school
- is paid a higher salary than your average US president, and yet he has nothing to show for it


Fauci seems to be a faucet of continually flowing shit.


Nice analogy ;)


‘AIDS’ was man made, like all ‘dis - ease’ - the pharmaceutical industry is witchcraft, it derives from ‘pharmakeia’ - read the Book of Revelation.

‘Diseases’ are ‘introduced’ to ‘control’ the population, the cabal is obsessed with depopulation, because they worship the ‘creation’ - rather than the Creator.

When ‘diseases’ fail to cull enough people, deception is brought into play, and the ‘cure’ becomes the ‘killer.’

Mass depopulation is coming, but it will not come from a ‘disease’ - but through a deception and mass sterilisation, the ability to create life will be ‘removed’ - think ‘sharp point entering blood stream’ which is happening worldwide as we speak.

It’s coming.

God Bless xxx*


A lot of evidence points to AIDS being used to try and wipe out the gay population in the 70s and 80s, mostly the males. Didn't work, but they tried.

I can see what you mean by the other stuff.


Hey AmeriGirl26 & thank you for your reply! x

‘AIDS’ main purpose was to try & stop people having sex, or at least with ‘protection’ - why?

...because the cabal elite are obsessed with depopulating the earth, & so a potentially virulent ‘disease’ was ‘introduced.’

It has nothing to do with wiping out the ‘homosexual’ community, indeed the wicked people of this world, & of course satan himself want more of this sexual behaviour, not less, because satan loves to twist & pervert everything that God originally made ‘good.’

To give you an idea of just how much ‘they’ want to reduce the earth’s population, go research the ‘Georgia Guidestones’ - where the following is written...

‘Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity’

...yes that’s 500 million!

You see ‘they’ are paganists, they worship the ‘creation’ & not the Creator, and so see humanity as a threat to their future paradise. That’s why famine is in the book of Revelation - it will also play a part in depopulation.

Famine, pestilence & wars are all part of the plan, but always remember, God will take every evil act & use it for good, He is the Grand Master, He is indescribable in His Power & Goodness!

God Bless xxx


He also pushed violent animal testing for years


I was honestly horrified at what I read, in addition to finding out that he was the one who was the source of all those myths about AIDS that came about in the 80s. Then when I found out that he used middle-men to fund research into creating the very virus that caused us so much trouble in the past 2 years makes me wish he would be executed for crimes against humanity >:(


He serves corporate interests, just like all politicians.


He serves the Baal worshippers, - the satanic elite. Fauci is tied to the Rothchilds.

Did you know that there are many ‘corporations’ in the spirit realm? That’s where the idea of ‘corporations’ originates.

It’s all true and very real, and things will continue to get worse until enough people wake up.

God Bless x*


I don't know what you are smoking. Do you know by saying stuff like that you are actually helping him painting people against him as idiots and nuts? Maybe that is what you are really doing.

The only spiritual thing these people serve is capitalism, they are serious business people,


No the pc is correct. The are Lucifarians and they want to kill us all. Do some research and seek the truth. Jesus awaits you.


I guess your guys are here to support him, because that is what you are doing essentially.


we’ve got one that cant see.


Dear fc31 this is an honest and heartfelt comment directly for you okay.

I’ve fought spiritual warfare for over 40 years. I’ve experienced ‘pure evil’ first hand, it is incredibly deceptive.

I’ve seen many demons in my life, and a number of angels, & even had an extraordinary encounter with Jesus Christ himself!

The thing is, I was an atheist until about 2010, when suddenly ‘my eyes were opened’ and I was shown that all the truly wicked things that had happened to me, were as a result of the demonic realm, more specifically - ‘unclean’ & ‘familiar’ spirits.

The spiritual realm IS MORE REAL than this 3D space time that you currently live in. This world is the ‘shadow’ world compared to the higher dimensions. You are here on this earth for a ‘blink of an eye’ - then you face the shock & awe of eternity!

Heaven is very real, everything there is made of light, the grass, the trees, the buildings, even the food, which you don’t ‘digest’ but absorb! It’s a real physical place!

In regards to Fauci, you need to understand what these people worship, ‘corporations’ are nothing but a smoke screen for control. DEPOPULATION has been the goal of the ‘elite’ for many years now, give you an idea of how they think, go read ‘Life Without Birth’ - a book written by ‘Stanley Johnson’ in 1970, where he argues for the case to sterilise the worlds population as a more ‘palatable means of death.’ So who is ‘Stanley Johnson? - The father of Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister. You see ALL the current world leaders have been chosen for a time such as this, there is mass deception the world over, & they will continue with the ‘lockdowns’ & such this coming fall season until the kids have been ‘vaxed’ - the kids are the key, you see they are the ‘creators’ of the next generation, but take away the ability to have children, and there is no next generation!

I have so much more to add, but will leave it for now, God Bless xxx


If you have seen movies you must have seen in movies that people with conspiracy theories are all kind of nerds, freaks, weirdly religious and people have mental issues, that is what corporate elites were trying to do, to make sure people think: conspiracy theorists = crazy people.

Not that conspiracy theories are not true. Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have shown us that at least some of them are more than true.

But what you guys are doing here and what corporate elites have been trying to do is one and the same. Maybe you are genuinely thinking what you are thinking. But you are not helping your cause, actually I think you are doing the exact opposite.


Basically, at this point, satan has done everything to show he exists other than appear on the Six O'clock News, he's EVERYWHERE, T.V, Movies, Video Games, Children's Cartoons, Politics, Education, Sports, Gender, Race, Origins, - he's become emboldened, his plans are no longer hidden, he doesn't need to hide them anymore, because there are enough people on this planet now who actually prefer darkness to light.

No doubt 'Noah' would have been labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' while he was building the Ark.

You are truly blind if you think that injecting a vast populous of the world with an expirmental drug for a 'virus' that has a survival rate among the healthy of over 99% doesn't have a wicked agenda.

'Masks' have been used for hundreds of years to subjugate a civilisation. In more modern times, it was said to be used for protection from pollution, but except it wasn't, it started in China, that's where the subjugation began, & where this all leads.

In the Bible, satan is called 'the great dragon' - and which nation is famous for worshipping the dragon ?


Socialism isn't the goal of the 'elites' - neither is communism, it's essentially atheism, - socialism leads to communism, which leads to atheism, they want to remove God.

As for 'mental issues' - it's an age old ploy, and it's called an 'ad hominem attack' - rather than attack the matter at hand, you resort to attacking the person.

This world is not what you think it is, and you my friend, whether you believe it or not, are in for some very nasty surprises in the near future, why ?

...because sometimes it's not enough to tell people about evil, because they won't believe you, only by experiencing it for themselves & walking through darkness will you eventually see the *light.*



You got to educate yourself a little bit.

First of all, the dragon in Chinese mythology (serpent-like) and the dragon in medieval European mythology (lizard-like) are very different things. The dragon of European mythology breathes fire, the dragon of Chinese mythology controls water and rain, and it is a farmer's deity. They are called the same I think because people chose the word already available.

Secondly, I think Chinese dragon at least partially came from one of the Buddhist deities: Nāga, which is a serpent-like deity, one of the Eight Legions.

If you are alienating Buddhists around the world then you are more foolish than I thought.

And I think because of the influence of Buddhism, not just ancient Chinese worshiped dragon, majority of south east Asians did, at least historically. To be clear nobody today worships dragon, you won't see a temple dedicated for dragons anywhere in south east Asia (maybe there are still temples in India for Nāga though, as part of Eight Legions), it is mostly considered as a part of Asian cultural heritage.

Also most of western Europeans are socialists and Christians, so almost none of what you said makes any sense.


Oh dear, you completely missed everything I said & started giving me a history lesson on ‘dragons.’

Look, it’s fine, because what’s coming will utterly shatter your world view.

Back on point, go read ‘Life Without Birth’ by Stanley Johnson (1970), & read Revelation.

God Bless x


That is knowledge. Faith is also a knowledge. I think knowledge is the difference between faith and superstition.


You are all fucking weirdos. I want to burn my eyes after reading this nonsense. And I mean every single one of you. Get a life.


He might be a religious nut, but you are clearly a low life.


I'm not the one crying for attention on a movie site. Look in the mirror, pal.


I am just sharing my thoughts as I see fit. You are clearly just a troll, there is zero intelligence in your words. I feel my IQ dropping as I am replying to you. Anyway, why am I talking to an idiot?
