MovieChat Forums > PresidentJoffrey > Replies
PresidentJoffrey's Replies
That is completely irrelevant in this context.
OP was attacking Melania's character, blaming her for the state on trumps faux marriage.
Most women would be infuriated by learning their husband was cheating on them while they were pregnant with his kid.
Trump is a victim of his own piss poor behaviour and actions.
Ya other countries don't have the exact same issues just minus the insane gun culture of the US.
Oh wait they do, and they don't have a gun violence epidemic. Must be divorce and not the abundance of fire arms. Makes perfect sense!🤔
Maybe trump should have had the decency to not sleep with other women *cough* porn stars *cough*, while Melania was pregnant. Even if just for the sake of their son.
Remember when trump tried to hold her hand and she swatted it away? That was awesome 😂
A "clear lack of understanding" doesn't mean hate. Or are you projecting🤔 I don't see a "tantrum" in the op, your post is more of a tantrum than anything else in this thread.
(I suppose you're an expert on NK? Did you study NK in Uni? Visit there and observed first hand? Have family there getting info to you? What gives you authority/expertise to determine someone else's level of understanding of NK relations?)
"Why it’s this way is a different discussion."
Why? Op asked:
"WTF is wrong with the American election system?"
The last election highlighted the major pitfalls of your electoral system. Makes some sense to discuss it in Trumps thread, he wouldn't be president without these pitfalls.
I didn't read any hate in the post, I read
disbelief and bewilderment.
Maybe everything looks like hate through your hate tinted glasses🤔
It's a legitimate question:
"WTF is wrong with the American election system?"
A lot when the popular vote doesn't decide the president.
Not a documentary, it was prophecy.
Sad it only took 10 years and not 500.
Or the players that are protesting will not come onto the field until after the anthem. An empty field will speak volumes just the same.
Have to love these right wing zealots cheering the oppression of freedom of expression *facepalm*
Maybe, but the orange megalomaniac won't be able to use his tried and tested method of bullying and outspending in court that has served him oh so well in civil cases.
The US government has more $$ and power than the orange troll, no matter what he thinks/says
Languages self perpetuate in regions where they are viable.
Canada is a great example. French is crowbarred down our throats but is not doing any better today then in the 70s when bill 101 was introduced. Fewer FP500 organizations are headquarted in Quebec because of the language laws.
Now look at Toronto and there are plenty of neighbourhoods with Mandarin/Cantonese, Portuguese, Italian etc. signage. This is all the proof you need to know that special rights are not needed if the community wants a language to be present and available.
Do you even know what a fascist is? Because what trump is doing is closer to fascism than anything the left is doing.
Hell fascism is a right wing idealogy, geez. Please stop using words you do not understand.
The only obsessive hate I see is from you. And pretty much your critique of SJ can be applied to you just the same;
-Hate and ignorance, check!
-Spouting opinion with zero foundation, check!
-Citing no facts, check!
"zero ideas left"
Other than security???
How about thoughtful gun control??
Or is that too incompatible for the Bizarro world that is the United States?
Hamas admitted that 50 of the 60 killed were Hamas members. Hamas is the de facto governing body for Gaza.
What about the Canadian doctor who was clearly marked as a doctor when he was hit by an Israeli sniper?
You're the only one talking about Russia in this thread.
Read an economics book. I know it will be hard, most of them are above the 5th grade reading level you're used to.
Supply and demand is pretty simple though. They flood the supply and decrease the demand in one foul swoop.
Different kind of war you warmongering Merican.
They dropped by 150 you republikkkant dope
Republikkkant policies only benefit the rich. They package them in nice sounding names like "right to work" (for pennies an hour if they can get away with it). Have fun with no middle class you dummies
It's pretty balanced and the ones really benefitting from the imbalance are the people like trump who makes his socks and ties there (as well as Mexico, but you Mooks are too stupid to notice the obvious). Technology will always proliferate you cannot stop it, it's always happened and the west has benefited from "stealing intellectual property" in the past, there were just no laws against it then. We put those in place when we got in the lead.
They actually manipulate the US dollar by keeping it artificially high through the purchase of about a billion Treasury bonds a month, something the US benefits from you stupid dick cheese.
China could sink the US without a single shot fired. All they would have to do is flood the international markets with US Treasury bonds and tank their value( they own over a trillion). It would hurt them as well, but the US more.
You idiot it's not about being a sympathizer. It's global economics. You can't take without giving and doing it in a balanced fashion.
How else do trailer parks in the US get filled with cheap BluRay players and other household goods?
Build everything in Merica and all the lower socio-economic Mericans can't afford anything and there would be a big problems when they start to really protest not being able to feed themselves.
Go screw yourself with your nonsequitor one liners. You add no substance to the conversation. 😀
Am I bringing too much reality to the conversation for the Conservative mooks?? Pick it apart, I welcome it! What, brietbart hasn't told you what to say in this situation yet??