MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Thrillhouse/Hushpuppy and his socks are ...

Thrillhouse/Hushpuppy and his socks are in TOTAL MELTDOWN MODE and it's HILARIOUS!

Now that the world sees Trump's Toady Bill Barr for who he is, Thrillhouse is off his meds and melting down. This is so fun to watch.



Could just be another attempt to discredit Cohen.


Trump also denied knowing anything about a payment or contract. Nobody could keep up with all of Trump's lies.


No doubt about it, I cannot imagine a more horrific job than being Trump's lawyer. Not only are you certain he's not going to listen to your advice to keep him out of legal peril, you toil under the certainty of knowing when the shit hits the fan he's going to turn around and blame you for it and use it as justification NOT to pay you.


Witch hunt! Trump's a totally credible guy. No reason to investigate him.


I think I met a person once who actually believed that.

At first I thought there was just no way, but this guy would take so much offense when I casually labeled Trump a serial liar that he kept trying to argue with me for months that Trump never really lies, it's just the media that lies about him lying.

It was a really circular and insane argument, but it finally convinced me this guy had to be legit. No one would waste their time trying to insist the liar-in-chief doesn't lie when he provides new inculpatory evidence on almost a moment by moment rolling basis every morning on twitter.


Listen to right wing radio and news and you'll find out how people can be that way. Anything that contradicts the current reality just goes down the memory hole. No mention of Trump on Air Force one proclaming that he never paid Cohen back for the Stormy Daniels payment and that he knew nothing about it.



Giuliani just updated his "story" with a new lie by saying Trump didn't know what the repayment was for. He just knew it was to repay "expenses."

*We're to believe that cheapskate Trump would pay $130,000 without knowing the reason.
*We're to believe that attorney's don't breakdown their expenses.



That's some funny shit.

That would have been fun watching Guliani get ripped to pieces by Trump after that interview until they decided to brainstorm and come up with this new cover story lie to try and explain away his old lie to make it seem like he wasn't lying.

I think it might be worse for him going down this road of pretending like Cohen had access to some slush fund set up by the president to kill stories he'd rather not know about. Campaign finance laws and the regulations that govern them don't look very kindly on slush funds of this kind.

Nixon had a slush fund that funded the deviant and illegal activities of the crack team of thugs he assembled to burgle Watergate and commit other crimes; he used it to buy their ongoing silence while the scandal took him down. If Trump set up such a fund for Cohen he would be an absolute fool to tip off investigators to its existence. It would be the gift horse that would keep gifting a hard paper trail of payments and payoffs for sketchy services rendered by Cohen with Trumps guilty fingerprints all over the crimes.

Makes me wonder if Guliani is really suggesting this is what Trump set up for Cohen to maintain plausible deniability.


Giuliani better pack his bags! He’s soon outta a job!


And this has what to do with Russian collusion? Oh that’s right nothing.

Then why’s the Mueller witch hunt investigating it? Oh that’s right because there was no collusion.

And why is this the only thing the demokkkrat media talks about? Oh that’s right because the demokkkrat party has no platform. Just hate.

You forgot to mention Rudy also pointed out what a complete liar and crook Comey is. And that he should be facing charges. And Hilary. Whoops.

The obsessed hate filled no ideas or solutions demokkkrats strike again. Go lemmings!



You're the only one talking about Russia in this thread.


He's also the first Reptard tool to jump in with a "...but Hilary!" comment...their standard rejoinder to deflect criticism about Trumpcrimes.



It used to be #Hatedoesnotgenerate but I think he realized it was a ridiculous and hypocritical phrase for an alte righter to claim.


Mueller isn't investigating it. He just referred it to others.

Besides, remember when Starr investigated Clinton?

He was impeached just for lying about an affair he was having. Nothing to do with the original purpose of the investigation.

Special prosecutors are allowed to investigate other crimes they come across.


Yawn. Let me know when someone commits a crime. Well, besides James Comey.


lolz. Yeah as soon as you figure out Mueller does not hand Gates a sweetheart plea deal only one month removed from Gates reportedly lying to his face in proffer negotiations without giving up some major state's evidence corroborating Trump's participation in criminal collusion with Russia. Mueller had all the leverage and Gates had none, with even less leverage after being caught lying to Mueller in a proffer. He had to give up even more than he was originally willing after firing 3 of his attorneys to negotiate against their advice. No way he comes out of that with the hand slap he got instead of 34 criminal counts he had been charged with unless he was ready to testify to his role as Trump's co-conspirator in collusion with Russia.

There is no conceivable alternative explanation given his and Manafort's longtime association with "person A" in charging court documents. Everyone who has followed this case closely (not you obviously) knows "person A" can only be Russian GRU intel officer Konstantin Kilimnik who had since fled back to Russia on his outing.

Just remember this moment when the extent of his cooperation in his plea become public, along with testimonies from Papadopoulos and Flynn as cooperating witnesses with their own extensive and well documented contacts with Russia and have also plead guilty in their own separate deals. Its been obvious even to many Republican legal scholars not consumed by partisan obstinacy that Mueller has been building a rock solid case for collusion. The day of reckoning for trump and his army of trumptards is coming.


- "Promises, promises."

- Ernie "The Cat" Ladd


Hehe. Trump's more like "Big Cat". A showman with mouth.

Meanwhile Mueller never backs down from a fight. Unlike tRump who deferred on Vietnam and folded many times when his creditors came a calling, Mueller earned his Bronze Star as a platoon commander in Nam with distinction after rescuing a fellow marine under ambush of enemy fire. He's the rock of reliability who ALWAYS delivers like when he successfully prosecuted the original Teflon Don, John Gotti.

The terror Mueller must inspire in Donald must be what's responsible for making the old man crack. Either that or the ten diet cokes he drinks everyday.


Well, we're gonna see, ain't we, DEF? The old man ain't no easy clean. He ain't goin' quietly. He'll abide Dylan Thomas' advisement:::

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Trump ain't goin' gentle, DEF. Not by a jugful he ain't. I'll be fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with him. I'll be "Dutch" to his "Pike Bishop" --- we'll each have a turn at the Gatling Gun.

When you side a man, DEF, you either stay with him, or, you're finished, we're finished!

- "Let's go."

- "Pike Bishop" - "The Wild Bunch"


Ahahaha ...

Well to be honest culburn, I've been waiting to watch him set his next play in motion for awhile now, at least since the raid, and I have to say I'm really starting to lose faith that he has what it takes or even knows what his next move should be.

He's either too preoccupied comparing his dick size with the NK leader or he's too paralyzed by Mueller's Jedi mind trick over him to know what to do.

What HAS to happen: His toadies have to be able to sell a carefully manufactured ruse that will give him the semi-legitimacy to fire Rosenstein/Sessions, appoint Scott Pruitt as new AG, and have Pruitt dismantle the special counsel in the name of overdue "deep state housecleaning".

I assumed that's what drafting Giuliani to his legal team was all about. Rudy was suppose to be the face that would give those sinister high pressure cleaning duties the veneer of deepstate respectability given Rudy's former standing as high legal poobah of SDNY.

Instead it appears to be backfiring big time due to a combination of Guiliani's clown car ego and complete oblivious disregard for the additional problems he's creating for his POTUS client. It's obvious Rudy has ZERO experience working as a defense attorney and it shows. OMG he was brazenly and overtly on Hannity calling for Sessions to shut down Mueller and the SDNY investigation and thinking Sessions would obey him on sheer force of just who he is. He was also bragging that he can't be fired. Wow!

911 man is seriously embarrassing himself and if Trump really thinks Sessions will listen to Rudy's order after ignoring his own, then I think the amateur hour incompetence on display right now is just too overwhelming to be overcome. This does not bode well nor provide the cover of legitimacy Trump needs to strip down the deepstate DoJ and have it remade as an arm of his corrupt reach. It's almost like Rudy is deliberately trying to torpedo Trump's chances using the gross spectacle of his own epic clown turn as Trump's legal advocate.


Nothing more than the Demokkkrat media nothing burger of the week. Stay tuned for Friday and the next demokkkrat media nothing burger that the lemmings can get their panties in a wad over.

[spoiler]Still no evidence of collusion[/spoiler]
