Is it because it's so easy to spout B.S. and hate and make it sound like real right-wing ideology?
Literally almost EVERY right-wing Trump supporter who frequents this board is just a troll, which is more easily seen by looking at their posts on other boards.
Obviously it's not just on this site, you see this all over the net.
There are a few here that are actual terrible people, like the avowed white supremacist virus, who spends nearly all his posts on this site complaining about black people on every board he can find an avenue for it.
Then there are a remaining few actual possible right-wingers, but they don't seem to post much here.
If right-wingers are pretend trolls then what are liberals called? Non-pretend-trolls? If what you say is true then that would make left-wingers pretending to be trolls during the Obama years.
It would be nice if we could call the ignorant stupidity spouted by the left trolling, unfortunately with the hate filled fascist demokkkrat party there are no trolls. Their hate and stupidity comes from the top down. Just see Hilary’s poor me tour. Or the 24/7 CNN hate fest. Or the 2 years of Russian collusion nonsense that’s resulted in zero evidence.
Nope, there are no leftwing trolls. They really are that dumb.
- still no evidence of collusion
- still no evidence of a demokkkrat platform
- hate is not a platform[/spoiler]
Over and over, I see hate-filled garbage from the Wrong wing griping about all this hate from the left.
Total bs, utter lies made to make a Free Press look partisan, when they Wrongs have a media outlet BUILT to be partisan.
If the mainstream media doesn't like the Wrong wing agenda, it's because they were taught to be skeptical and investigate propaganda, not swallow and repeat lies their handlers have fed them.
But the Wrong wing has no problem with the whole lemming show. Absorb the lies and scream them vulgarly with blood-shot eyes. Pat each other on the back for a job well-done while the rest of us are genuinely concerned about the direction our country has taken.
Yeah all the former closet racists and overt racists previously shunned are now having their day in sun recognized as a legitimate voting bloc aka "alt-right" having been legitimized by Trump. So the presence of some alt-righters doesn't surprise me. But racism as a political ideology doesn't really fit with American ideals, so naturally when alt-righters spew their ideology online they have to be trolls, they can't not be.
Not all right wingers are trolls but I think the only reasonable explanation for the proliferation of right wing trolls we see online is that they don't have jobs and have nothing better to do with their time.
It's trolling, but it's a cult of trolls. The alt-right, and perhaps the right-wing in general, is the most susceptible to joining a cult. That's how the NRA and Christianity keep the right wing on a leash despite both of those organizations kinda conflicting with each other. That's also how Alex Jones sells his supplements. First you find the easily brainwashed, then you fill them with nonsense and go for their wallets.
Sam Harris also has a cult, and now Jordan Peterson is the new thing to become a cult. While they are both leftists, they get criticized for being alt-right or soft alt-right. Most of their followers are level-headed individuals who were not sold on Hillary and certainly not Trump. But too often we see Harris or Peterson cultists claiming 'this is the manliest man to have ever been a man blah blah blah' nonsense. You might be thinking that could be a leftist, but when you dig deeper into that person's ideology, you find they are among the pro-Trump that wants to "lock her up."
That's really the only problem I have with Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. They enjoy the fact they have a cult behind them, but they pretend like their cult contains intelligent people when many of them are complete morons looking for something to belong to. Christopher Hitchens (RIP) had a lot of followers, but the nonsense-spewing cultists behind him were practically nonexistent.
Of course, the right wing will always point to SJWs being the reason. To me, SJWs push people toward nihilism more than it pushes them to trollish-like cult behavior. SJWs like Anita Sarkeesian definitely has her fair share of trolls, but I believe they were already right-leaning before she got here.
Hitch died before the podcast age though. If he were around today I'm sure there'd be a Cult of Hitch.
I listen to all those guys when I have time but I don't consider myself a "cultist" of any of them. You're actually the first person I've ever heard call Jordan Peterson a "leftist" but I can't see how that's accurate. He would never self identify as a leftist and his followers are overwhelmingly on the right. He's also a right wing media darling. I personally don't mind him since he hails from left wing academia but he's clearly a moderate that leans right and is not an ideologue by any stretch. I've found his psych lectures interesting and educational and I frankly don't understand why the left perceives him as such a threat. I've seen him targeted by some pretty unfair left sourced hit pieces the last 3-4 months when I can easily think of far worse right wing demagogues than Jordan Peterson.
I disagree with you on Harris. I'm a fan, and he's spent so much time railing against Trump the past couple years that I believe he's driven away most of the trumpanzees that might have initially been drawn to his anti-SJW, Islamic realist stances. But anyone that would call Harris alt-right or soft-alt-right clearly doesn't listen to him and has no idea what the fuck they're even talking about. They're just part of that contemptible pseudo-intellectual SJW purity police mob on the left that unthinkingly believe the smears peddled for sport by Ezra Klein, Glenn Greenwald, or Sam Seder without bothering to see if it's actually accurate. I can't STAND that part of the holier than thou "left" these days and I'd actually call them the "cult" because of their reflexive identity politics and purity policing that gives the left a bad name.
I'd also warn against judging followers of Harris or Peterson by their youtube comments. That comment format draws the lowest common denominators of anyone's followings. It's usually just a garbage heap of trollish flame wars and stupidity.
Jordan Peterson is another like Dave Rubin who has identified as a classical liberal. They are left of center, but they try to pretend like that label does not apply to them because they believe such labels are inherently bad. Rubin is a cretin who only speaks with right-wingers so he can get his Koch paychecks, but Peterson has spent much of his life criticizing right-wing extremism. It's only now that Peterson focuses more on criticizing the extreme left because he believes they are the ones who currently have their hands on the infrastructure of power.
How can you even call Rubin 'left' when who knows what the fuck he even believes anymore? I can't STAND that genocidal apologist but he's definitely moved considerably to the right, at least on economic issues that I've heard him speak about, since leaving TYT. But then again he would have to seeing how he sold out to the Kochs. So I'd call him a sellout first, but I can't see how he even resembles anything 'left'. He's a married gay man but that alone doesn't make him 'left'.
Criticizing right wing extremism most of his life doesn't necessarily make Peterson 'left of center'. I concede he's hard to pin down because outside railing against SJW identity politics he doesn't really take vocal stances on political issues that define traditional left-right. But listening to him to any extent does give a clear picture of moderate that rails against extremism in all its forms, but I'd put him more on the conservative side simply because he does identify as a religious Christian.
Well keep in mind this whole conversation revolves around social politics. The Trump cultists are socially conservative and are basically too stupid to understand fiscal politics. A classical liberal is typically right-wing fiscally, and left-wing socially. Rubin was deeply a social left-winger until he started getting his Koch checks. More specifically, he made that move after he got his individual sovereignty by being able to marry the same gender, and now he spends his day shilling for the right whining about others trying to get their individual sovereignty. So when it comes to Rubin, we're definitely in agreement. I thought I made that clear in my post above, but perhaps not.
Peterson is a whole different animal. Instead of Koch checks, he wants his soft alt-right fanbase to remain because he's enjoying his current twitter trend, so he plays this game of throwing them a bone by giving the simple answer that he qualifies as a Christian, but when describing his Christianity he's forced to admit he's agnostic. I put Peterson on the left because he admits the extreme right is worse than the extreme left. I don't think any right-winger would ever admit that, but I'd be curious to find out.
Being a true centrist doesn't really exist because as Einstein said there's no such thing as a perfect balance. Centrists are really just people who are lying to themselves so they can avoid a label. You can be 100% independent of either party, but being absolutely centrist on ideology sounds mathematically bogus to me.
Good point on the centrism. But I'm sure Peterson doesn't identify as a Christian merely to throw his audience a bone because he's always self identified that way.
I first became aware of him from Rogan's podcast in late 2016 when he was still teaching in Toronto before he blew up as a right wing youtube cause célèbre raking in the big bucks. He self identified as a Christian back then when he recorded his biblical series lectures available on his channel. No doubt his Christianity is not traditional and more agnostic leaning if you deep dive into it. I actually think that's a good thing if it serves to moderate the religiousity of his right wing audiences. His Christianity appears to offer a way forward for Christians to validate their own beliefs in a secular world and that's likely a big part of his appeal. But I've never seen any evidence to support the idea that he's ever changed his message to specifically cater to his right wing audience despite the barbed insinuations from critics. He's definitely milking the success he's seen over the last year and a half, but his message hasn't changed.
Nope, ignorance is never a viable option. These a-holes think that silence for their reprehensible viewpoints actually legitimizes the nonsense they spew. And I think history has taught us that you shouldn't ignore bullies, but stand up to them.
The thing that makes me the saddest, though, is that speaking as someone whose viewpoint is primarily leftish, I can not believe that for all intents and purposes NO Republican in the Congress seems to have the balls to stand up and say "enough" when it comes to the vile and reprehensible behavior of the Commander-In-Corruption and his cronies that we have running this country right now. It's astounding to see that all of these people who were elected to serve this country would put the interests of their party over the needs of our nation and the system of laws and regulations that support our government and make it function. Every Senator and Congressman in the Republican party currently serving right now should be ashamed to call themselves an American.
It really is outrageous but I'm so past even being outraged anymore after the constant onslaught. At this point I'm just jaded.
I have no doubt that when the history books are written Trump will go down as the biggest villain in our nation's history. A bigger crook than Nixon by far, and responsible for more corruption and abuses of power than anyone to precede him. And that's just from what we know so far and not even taking into account crimes yet uncovered.
But you're absolutely right, a congress so craven they abdicate their duty to act as a Constitutional check on an out of control executive is horrific. The Founders are surely rolling in their graves repulsed by the entire lot. The more generous reading of their motives is that they're somehow deeply compromised. Either way, history will not judge these men kindly.
Meanwhile, we continue to learn more about his slime daily. It just broke over the last hour that Ukrainian president was kept at arms length and wasn't granted a meeting with Trump until he paid Cohen 400K for the access. Jesus this guy just drips corruption and Republicans say nothing. Many have even announced their retirement so have nothing to lose.
All I read was the same crap spewed by rightwingers during the last admin. It's funny how similar you all are. It's the totalitarian evil dictator who will destroy everyone's rights. It's hilarious how stupid politics makes people write. Ignore away. I'm just laughing.
I'm sure that's how it appears to you since you don't follow politics.
All I can do is shake my head at your profound ignorance that you think there's any similarity at all between how Obama governed and the precedent setting open lawbreaking going on we've seen (but you somehow have not) with Trump.
FYI: There's actually a reason a special counsel is investigating Trump. Was there ever a special counsel investigating Obama? Nope, can't say there ever was.
You sound too young and ignorant of history to have any awareness of any president before Obama. Else you'd know there's no president that matches the open corruption and constant lies of Trump in modern history. Not Nixon, not anyone. There have been many dozens of more scandals in his first year and a half as president than Obama ever had in his entire presidency. This is not hyperbolic, it's just a fact. I'm sorry you're clearly too oblivious to recognize the gravity of the situation.
I've heard this all before. Blah blah blah. Enjoy the end of the world preaching. I bet you forgot how serious people thought Y2K was too. You're so hooked on what the news is selling you dont see that you're no different than those you claim are ignorant Republicans. It's two football teams wearing team jerseys, drinking beer, cheering and jeering. Your a sheep in the flock.
rofl. Nope, you're actually just confirming you're too ignorant to recognize the difference. That's why you were incapable of actually addressing any of my points regarding the unpredented historical nature of the corruption and lawbreaking of THIS president.
And did you seriously just try to compare the false alarm of Y2K to the current presidency where there's already an overwhelming amount of public evidence to suggest had won his office by conspiring with a hostile foreign power whom he is presently being controlled by? Wow. The naivety and general cluelessness of your comparison really speaks for itself.
lulz. I'm not predicting the end of the world kid. I'm mocking you for your poor reading comprehension skills and hilariously indignant ignorance. hehe.
So is it a conspiracy theory that the president is trying to obstruct, stymie, and hamstring a lawful investigation into his own crimes and those of his associates by repeatedly lying, firing and threatening to fire people, intervening in law enforcement decisions in his own interest, and fabricating fake stories to impede the investigation?
This has all been happening more or less out in the open sherlock. There's nothing "Alex Jones" about it.
That you would even think this is Alex Jones territory only speaks to your ignorance of current events. It says nothing about me.
Sure thing. Trump is still decent and the President. And all your anti-trump writing hasn't changed that. So, go ahead and continue. I'm still relaxing and laughing.
What's really funny is the paranoia in this. I recommend you read it with an Alex Jones Voice:
"It really is outrageous but I'm so past even being outraged anymore after the constant onslaught. At this point I'm just jaded.
I have no doubt that when the history books are written Trump will go down as the biggest villain in our nation's history. A bigger crook than Nixon by far, and responsible for more corruption and abuses of power than anyone to precede him. And that's just from what we know so far and not even taking into account crimes yet uncovered.
But you're absolutely right, a congress so craven they abdicate their duty to act as a Constitutional check on an out of control executive is horrific. The Founders are surely rolling in their graves repulsed by the entire lot. The more generous reading of their motives is that they're somehow deeply compromised. Either way, history will not judge these men kindly.
Meanwhile, we continue to learn more about his slime daily. It just broke over the last hour that Ukrainian president was kept at arms length and wasn't granted a meeting with Trump until he paid Cohen 400K for the access. Jesus this guy just drips corruption and Republicans say nothing. Many have even announced their retirement so have nothing to lose."
Quioby...thanks for stopping by. Now don't let us keep you from the discussion on the Avengers board, or Star Wars, or whatever you consider to be more important discussions.
On a movie forum, Its funny that movies take precedence over political conspiracies. Oh well, enjoy acting like Republicans during the Obama administration. It's funny that you're all so excited and butthurt like the Republicans were during Obama's terms.
Word of advice: read something else beside a movie chat-forum sometime like, oh, maybe a newspaper or valid news website. With a little perseverance, you might finally grasp the difference between being bothered by actual malfeasance (also known as "crimes", in case you're synonymously challenged) and criticizing someone based solely on their ideology (with covert AND overt racism also being a factor).
I do, but I'm not here to discuss politics with keyboard warriors. I'm here to laugh at the arrogance and pathetic lamentations of political junkies. "Boo hoo, Donald Trump is my president and I parrot the media bias I like while disliking the media bias of the other political apes." You're all one in the same. You sound like Democrats during the Bush admin pr Republicans during Obama's term. Pathetic.
Neither do you. That's what's so funny! All this means nothing and you're doing nothing by talking politics with a bunch of keyboard lackeys. You're entertaining yourself... nothing more.
What I find hilarious is Glenn Beck has now boarded the Trump train. Why? Glenn Beck is so upset with the media's perception of Trump's "animals" comment that he's ditching the principles that originally made him stand against Trump. The Blaze has been going down in a blaze for years, and now those principles are more flexible.
Despite Trump's low approval, he still gets over 80% within his party, a clear majority. He's capitulating enough to the Deep State to enough on board. He's practically a neocon now that Bannon's influence has been completely removed.
Ah well, maybe this is the way Becky boy can finally get some revenue after years of circling the drain.
There is definitely going to be a reckoning in the future, when the people who endured this bleak moment in American political history are going to be judged for what their stand was WHILE it was happening. I find it amazing (and a little sad, too) right now that still so many Republicans have not grasped how detrimental Donald Trump is going to be for the long-term health of the Republican party, and that NOW is the time to get in front of these scandals before they take him, them, and the whole credibility of their self-interested, hate-mongering party down with them.
I guarantee you that all the people who said they liked Trump because he was so unlike Bush all voted for Bush twice and cheerleaded for the war at the time if they were old enough. And then 10-20 years from now they'll be all over whatever the next ideological craze is because it's "so unlike Trump".
See, I used to think that too. On the IMDB politics board around 2013-2015 I'd see these idiots posting and think "I've never met anyone this dumb in real life, so these people can't be real". But then Trump won. So people actually are that dumb.