MovieChat Forums > PresidentJoffrey > Replies
PresidentJoffrey's Replies
Drumpf advocated violence against his opposition.
Just in case you're not following:
Violence is worse than harassment
For the love of sweet baby Jesus can you please have one, just one, post that doesn't say "hate filled demokkkrat"??
And shocker, the supreme Court has been corrupted by the alt-right libertarian nut jobs (Koch brothers and the like) and its weighted in Drumpf's favour.
They're total soft pink biatches 😂🤣
Are you daft?
I'm not advocating anything. I'm simply pointing out that as the global population merges there are more and more bi-racial babies. Eventually we'll all be the same.
You made brah? ( I ain't! 👍)
No no, Canada is already building a wall to keep all the illegal guns out that end up in our communities killing our citizens.
Of course the Mericans will pay for it!!
The real question is, does Melania even know what it says? She's probably illiterate and thought it said something else like "winning huge bigly"
All your posts are you just projecting your own deficiencies onto other people.
You are the hate filled one that is a faux news lemming.
Also, all your replies are interchangeable and pretty much copy & pastes of eachother
Wow this post is a breathe of sane air. Agree 100% and love the Regan quote highlighting how bipolar the republicants are. Regan is their god (until drumpf became their supreme leader) and that's an iconic line.
Gotta love drumpf supporters showing off their complete lack of knowledge.
There are no kangaroos in new Zealand, that's Australia.
And if anyone is a neanderthal, it's the orange megalomaniac in the white house.
I think it might be moderators deleting posts after they are reported
Drumpf's policies are overtly racist. "Muslim ban" "Mexican rapists" etc. That are only sanitized after he blurts them out on twitter.
What am I doing to help? Well I continue to enlighten myself after my formal education through continued reading of history, politics and economics texts put out by academic experts. (This helps as I'm not some dullard that is easily swayed by nonsense rhetoric and can form my own opinion on issues) I also work in the equity, diversity and inclusion industry, if you even know what that is.
What do you do other than spew Faux news rhetoric and vitriol in forums?
The west stole intellectual property from Asia and later made laws about it when they were in a dominant position. (Brits took textile manufacturing technology from South East Asia early colonial period, I encourage you to read into it). So boo-hoo to your intellectual property gripe.
And who do you think engages in the most espionage, China or US?
Let me guess, it's only bad when THEY do it, not when you do it, right?
You're a super human being! If more were like you we'd be sooooo much better off! (Obvious sarcasm dimwit drumpf supporters might not catch).
Ever thought that these people are doing what is necessary to provide a better life for their family? (Something we all would do, well maybe not a facsimile of a human composed of feces such as yourself). And I know your retort, " they should make a better life in their own country". Well they tried and your country keeps messing with other countries making it impossible. So don't complain when they come home to roost.
Umm no. After WW2 there were real talks at the supranational level to "put the genie back in the bottle'. US refused to disarm until they could "verify" no one else had them. (Like that would ever happen. No matter the level of access it would never be good enough)
The top Merican analysts predicted it would take Russia 20 years to develop a useable nuclear device. (Giving the US 20 years of nuclear dominance to build their hegemony)The Russians surprised the dopes in Washington and developed one in 4 years. so the cold war was the fault of the US. Welcome to objective history SatinSoft2016
Obama wasn't an overt racist acting inhumane to little children for kicks.
There's a difference between my house and my country.
For me, the more the merrier. We are all pretty much the same, some dicks, some huge assholes (that some people vote into office), and a bunch of people that are neither of those things just trying to make a better life for their family.
My world isn't a zero sum game. Expand your mind and world past the local waffle house bubba
Once again the US marches us closer to self annihilation.
What do you expect from the country that wouldn't agree to disarm their nuclear arsenal after WW2 when all other countries agreed not to develop them.
I know, I know, "ya can't trust the ruskies!" But we should trust the country that dropped two atomic weapons on civilian targets with only one order. (Luckily the pricks only had 2 to drop or more would've been smh)
Wow your ignorance of history knows no bounds.
The Japanese you locked up during WW2 didn't kill any Mericans at Pearl harbour. They had nothing to do with it. They were Merican citizens for the most part. Your government apologized for this wrong it perpetrated on its own citizens.
Then maybe keep your grubby parasitic paws of "their land".
Oh wait that won't happen, you just want to overthrow their governments and exploit their resources 🤔