MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > “ I Really Don’t Care. Do U? “

“ I Really Don’t Care. Do U? “

I’m going to guess Kristen Nielsen decided to play a joke on Melania today, and convinced her to wear the $39 fast-fashion jacket by Zara, which says “ I really don’t care. Do u?” while visiting the detention center for children at the border. And the FLOTUS fell for it. Why else would she wear it? Where’s the Rethuglikkkans outrage?

Her spokesperson brushed it off with “ Its just a jacket. No hidden meaning. “

Ahhh - so it’s a direct saying we should take st face value.



Very classy...


Just realized, despite her 'spokespeople' saying she's fluent in English, she really doesn't understand English at all. She must've thought her jacket - which she wore in 80 degree heat and humid weather - said something else.

So since she doesn't understand English, let's send her back to Slovenia.


The real question is, does Melania even know what it says? She's probably illiterate and thought it said something else like "winning huge bigly"


I'm hoping she doesn't. I really am convinced that she is being set up by everyone in the WH - not only today, but from when she first stepped foot in the WH. T-rump wishes to embarrass her every chance he gets - and this is the latest.

Remember when Rethugs were outraged over Michelle Obama wearing sleeveless dresses? Imagine if she wore this?


I got the impression she was saying that she didn't care about the children.


If that wasn't her intended message (and it's really so hard to believe she would want to convey that message) then she must be the most self unaware person imaginable.


Remember when she announced that she wanted to stop bullying despite being married to a bully? She is either completely self unaware of dumb as a wall.


I'll take dumb for $5,000. And have her return her Einstein citizenship card.

In the meantime, Rethuglikkans are asking why the liberals are 'politicizing' an innocent message. Can they be any dumber?


It could also be a deflection. She has everyone talking about her jacket instead of the suffering of these children and their parents. Also, her husband had to back down because of the outcry within his own party against child abuse so she may want to deflect against that.

"Can they be any dumber? "
Certainly cruel.


Yes but couldn’t she find something else to deflect with?


She likes to make statements with her clothes. Maybe because she was a model.

For instance, after her husband was caught saying that he liked to grab women by the pu**y, she wore a pussy-bow blouse. There were other examples too.


That’s right! I forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me.
