MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump directs DoD to establish SPACE FOR...

Trump directs DoD to establish SPACE FORCE~~

Sigh... you'd think the world conflicts would just stay on Earth but nope, need to militarize space as well. Aliens, wipe us out soon please.


Once again the US marches us closer to self annihilation.

What do you expect from the country that wouldn't agree to disarm their nuclear arsenal after WW2 when all other countries agreed not to develop them.
I know, I know, "ya can't trust the ruskies!" But we should trust the country that dropped two atomic weapons on civilian targets with only one order. (Luckily the pricks only had 2 to drop or more would've been smh)


Russia developed nukes right after the US. Treasonous Commies gave the secrets to the KGB! Then UK, France, China.

Only a LibTard would blame the US for not disarming the rest of world.


Umm no. After WW2 there were real talks at the supranational level to "put the genie back in the bottle'. US refused to disarm until they could "verify" no one else had them. (Like that would ever happen. No matter the level of access it would never be good enough)

The top Merican analysts predicted it would take Russia 20 years to develop a useable nuclear device. (Giving the US 20 years of nuclear dominance to build their hegemony)The Russians surprised the dopes in Washington and developed one in 4 years. so the cold war was the fault of the US. Welcome to objective history SatinSoft2016


Thanks to Star Wars people no longer think of space as a place to explore but rather as just another environment to fight in.
