MovieChat Forums > GordianNott > Replies
GordianNott's Replies
That actually would have made a lot more sense and wouldn't be a tough alteration.
In my own mind, I figured the dad was more than half crazy, so doing the logical thing and staying put where there was food and shelter wasn't on his menu. The more sensible son would have stayed there if decisions were left up to him.
2 episodes of boredom and I give up, especially reading reviews by people who watched the whole season. If the first 2 seasons were woke, this one was asleep. What a shame.
They could have added a more explanatory subtitle so non-comic readers like you and me would have a better idea what it was about--I nearly skipped it, but I loved it (and binged it) for all the reasons you gave.
And I can't think of the perfect subtitle or tagline, but maybe something like: "These aren't your boyhood superheroes" or "Superheroes Behaving Badly." Something. Anything. This movie deserves much better marketing!
I actually wonder from the ending. <spoiler>The mother of his child didn't look like a captive. I wonder if the affair was consensual?</spoiler> Well, no way to find out until Season 2.
Haha--I like your Ted Bundy addition to the mix. But given that he's not that sexually active (from what we see), I'd go with Norman Bates instead, especially the effed up mommy issues + psycho killer.
I think they said that was the problem: it would only hurt him, not kill him like a regular human. But you raise a good point--if they'd zapped him with a lot more power--maybe take him to a power station or some high-tension lines--would that work? But then Homelander might see him.
I did find the dolphin "rescue" scene a little odd, as you say. It dies tragically but almost in a slapstick comedy way. It didn't really work for me.
I thought exactly the same thing from the promos: some cheap, shabby production. For a show that got so many things right, they got the marketing wrong.
It was very dark and disturbing. It shows how cold-blooded Homie is. And I really hated Madelyn as a villain--so smug, manipulative, and devoid of all principle--so it was a satisfying shock to see her get killed. I will miss her, though, since she was an entertaining villain.
I just think that too much time was devoted to Madelyn's baby and her playing mother to it (with the father always a mystery) for that baby to have no significance. And I think you hit the nail on the head that since Homelander was damaged by being raised in a lab (duh!), that with this little supe baby, they were going to give it lots of maternal care AND keep it under direct supervision.
The fact that Madelyn kept urging Homelander (ok, he's Homie for me from now on; name too long) to take the baby out of harm's way while she was in danger of being blown up says the baby wasn't invulnerable. And while I think Homelander is callous enough to let a baby die that was no use to him, I think he probably saved it along with Billy, and we'll find out why in season 2.
Just my thoughts as I try to read the tea leaves.
Thanks for that link
Plus he appealed to animal-lovers and environmentalists. It's all about targeting demographics with the Supes. But your point about his practicality would count with them too. Every team has a weak link, and he was really played up as theirs.
<blockquote>All in all, both the comic and the show are about money and power - not politics.</blockquote>
Good insight.
Agreed--he was real psycho in that scene for a number of reasons. It did make my like Maeve a lot in contrast. It never really mattered what she did or said in the rest of the episodes, I was on her side because she clearly wanted to save those people when Homelander was sociopathically indifferent.
Starlight's bulletproofness surprised me too. I do wonder if it's a given for all Supes?
But then Kimiko was able to give A-Train a serious flesh wound in the leg with a weapon (was it a crowbar? I forget), so he didn't have impermeable skin.
My take on it has always been that there are 1 or more serial killers in the area who prey on the locals, who have turned the unsolved crimes into a legendary witch.
You can't keep out Marvel no matter how hard you try. It was Ant-Man and Wasp spying on the set. (jk!)
So did he sound Kiwi or British to you? They kept referring to him as "some British guy," and since the people doing it were usually ignorant in other ways, I wondered if it was a running gag, and maybe he was speaking naturally as a Kiwi and no one got it.
I'm with you, Red. I binged without intending to binge. I sat down thinking it was probably a silly parody of Avengers and I'd give it 20 minutes or so. Then I watched one after the other, and dammit, I had to know what happened!
And unlike many series, I never thought there was a throwaway episode. Everything counted, everything needed to happen and be said.
And as comic books go: I don't read them (don't read much of anything), and while I like the Avengers movies, I just like them--I'm not a big fan, just someone that enjoys them.
So this show reeled me in like a fish on a hook and never let me go. I'm still amazed at how good it is.