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The reviews are quite good. Thinking about watching it. Found this review in imdb. Is this accurate?
Starts off great, bait'n'switch towards the end...share
Mesuzah 30 July 2019
The first four episodes are just downright amazing, reminiscentt of the times prior to all the PC/SJW nonsense. I had the time of my life throughout episode four, haven't laughed that hard in ages. Really great up until episode five.
Episode five itself isn't all that bad, but you notice that the tune of the series turns around from humor to darker and worse preachy. Yes, the PC crap slowly finds its way back sadly in to the series. Characters whine more, cry more, sorry for this and that, by the end of the season the humor is stale, stilted, rough and not in a good way as there can be funny rough humor but that wasn't it. You then start to have those token 'gay relationships' that has to be there to make that look normal as well like all other 'PC' series.
Not to spoil anything but the series opens up with a really funny moment that for a PC crowd may be hard to swallow, and regular folk laugh like crazy but this does not go unavenged sadly and we're back to the script of the past twenty years.
Not sure what happened, maybe producers, investors or otherwise saw the material up until episode 5+ and said it was too much out of line with the mainstream narrative and it had to be brought back in line or if this was the plan all along, to bait people to start watching then go back to regular PC 'programming'.
I started watching this series because of the humor element, and the return to saying and doing anything without having the make excuses for it later in some form of punishment for characters or constructed morals and that failed towards the end. For those that speed ran the series, reflect on this and rewatch it and you will eventually notice that the tone changed utterly from what it started as.
Cast itself, as you can see from the first four episodes, are really well put together and are able to deliver when they have great material. Karl Urban carries the show to some extent, but it is a team effort and the others do really well too.
My wish for season two, if I am ever to watch it, is that they go back to unapologetic delivery like they started off with, back to humor being front and center, and consequences of such be darned.