MovieChat Forums > GordianNott > Replies
GordianNott's Replies
Yeah, the Bobby plot line was better than that boring planet the settlers were on. And we got to see more dimensions to her character, which I liked. Plus it was interesting how Martian society was changing.
Speaking of dropping the ball, there were a few other things that seemed weird:
1. Chrisjen sends Holden to Ilus as her personal envoy, but I don't think we ever see them talk again. Just didn't make sense--he should have at least been trying to get her help against crazy security guy, plus she should have been using him somehow for re-election, because she uses and manipulates everyone.
2. Clarissa starts the whole season calling Amos from jail, never to be seen again. I'm not saying I wanted to see her again, but to start that way, I thought she and Amos would continue some awkward long-distance relationship that we might see every 2-3 episodes, but nada. Why bring her up at all? We don't see Jules-Pierre again. And we barely see Fred Johnson again (and that haircut was not flattering).
Yeah, I had a problem with the flood not entering more than it did, but there were so many problems. And I really like this show and don't want to complain about it!!! But I really liked the previous seasons and expected something at least as good.
I think they generally ran out of ideas. And browsing older episodes that I liked, the 2 tensions giving energy to the show were: 1) the risk of a Mars-Earth war and the various scheming and skirmishes leading up to it, and 2) what was the protomolecule, what did it want, what would it do, where would they find it next, etc??? All that was gone this time.
"A lot of it seems really contrived, and in a kind of silly way."
My feelings too. One contrived problem to be solved after another, and silly. One of the silliest things was how the lightning went across the planet surface and just happened to score a direct hit on the settlement. And yeah, Naomi and her heroic struggle to adapt to gravity--dud. Just get back out into space, girl, and stick to low-gravity rocks like Eros and Ganymede.
The blindness problem seemed silly and contrived too, just more filler.
One last gripe: aliens build structures with a front door, but there's no ground floor or even an elevator or staircase???
I'm finding the adult actors are rather weak too, not just Dion. But Esperanza seems totally authentic in her role, and I'm not just saying that out of sympathy for a disabled child. I guess it's worth watching if you keep your expectations low.
I do like Charlotte, even though she's not a nice person. There's something likeable about how scrappy she is.
I thought the same thing. A little is fine since that's who she is, but this was overdoing it.
Just finished bingeing it. I really wanted to love it like I did seasons 2 & 3, but I have to settle for liking it. Bobbie and Amos got more attention, which was good. And the very end points to yet another season, which might be more interesting to be back in our solar system, hopping around from place to place. There were some good new characters. I wish there was a way to bring Prax and the pastor back somehow.
"A crew on a ship like this, should be highly trained and professionell - nobody gives me this vibe ;)"
I was thinking the same thing. A much of overemotional types who escaped their therapists and are impostors on a ship that needs a professional crew. And some grown ups.
I'm in episode 3 and about to give up. Really tired of a guy's dead daughter running around and all these other hallucinations. And tired of the endless back and forth about Thale: "we need him," "we're going to kill him," "we can't find him on a ship full of cameras," etc. Also, "he can't hurt you, but don't corner him, or he'll kill you." ????
I was intrigued by the Volcryn angle: would there be first contact? What would it be like? "The Expanse" milked 3 seasons out of a first contact mystery. But, this show is zigzagging at times, dull at others: I'm playing solitaire during "action" scenes.
And yeah, it was stupid to put the ending at the beginning. Newsflash: that kills all mystery and suspense.
Yeah, CGI and sets were impressive. Some of the acting was good. Story was boooooooring and a mess.
Yeah, Cook had no problem changing his emotions on the fly.
I like Robby a lot too. Morbius says he's "just a tool" or something and that he has no emotions, but he clearly does.
I think the idea in "Bushwacked" is that Reavers can convert other people into Reavers through their horrible practices and lifestyle, but the original Reavers were made that way by the pacifier drug malfunctioning. So, there's more than one way to become a Reaver.
For me, the funniest line was:
"Cook: Well you low living contraption, I oughta take a can opener to you."
Amen to that.
I was pleasantly surprised. I've seen other ghost ship movies where the crew just dies one by one, and that happens here, but there's an interesting subplot going on, so it's not the usual plot of an murderous evil ship.
It's a horror movie; don't expect too much.
I forgot he flirted with the dolphin too--yes, definitely OTT.
I'm not sure his character was handled all that well in the show vs the others. Remember that girl in Ohio he had a hookup with, and how she kept hurting his gills and calling him a freak? He could have thrown her out of the room instead of playing victim and taking the abuse. I thought it was a clumsy way of showing karmic revenge for what he'd done to Starlight, but it wasn't at all believable.
Yeah, it's amazing how many speeches the characters can make while still not saying much. It remains pretty murky just what the 3 siblings' true motives are. (Well, Balem's are clear, but the other 2 aren't.)
I liked the movie, but I hate his escape part. The other really stupid thing is they have a dozen or so cops in the lobby, but only two in the room with him. And no cameras on him from the lobby.
It would have made more sense for a guard to drop a key, or for his ex-girlfriend to smuggle in a cake with a file in it.
Great minds think alike. :)
I liked this film more I thought I would--having low expectations helps.
My vote is that they got stuck in a loop. Just seemed to me that this time around, they could not escape that place no matter what, especially seeing all the others who were caught in loops.
Good catch!