Not what I expected

Even though it has a superhero/superpower aspect to it, it's mostly about a story of a mother's struggle. She's lost her job, her husband, and now she has to deal people wanting her son because of his newly discovered superpower abilities. Her plate is full and she struggles with making the right decision.

Ja'Siah Young (Dion) is not the best actor. But he does a good enough job to make his role likable. Sammi Haney (Esperanza) is absolutely adorable as Dion's best friend.

It's not a bad show and is worth watching.


I agree it’s quite broad for a Superhero/Supernatural show.
Lots of familial & moral issues covered.
I really hated the child main character but not enough to stop watching and am glad I persevered until the end as I did not see the ‘reveal’ in the second last episode.
I did predict the post credit scene - I’m pretty sure everyone will see that one coming - and I’d like to see more if they do a second season.
P.S - I too love the child who played Esperanza. So sweet & genuine.


I'm finding the adult actors are rather weak too, not just Dion. But Esperanza seems totally authentic in her role, and I'm not just saying that out of sympathy for a disabled child. I guess it's worth watching if you keep your expectations low.

I do like Charlotte, even though she's not a nice person. There's something likeable about how scrappy she is.


It's depressing, I stopped watching half way through episode 2
