AssetsonFire's Replies

Amnesia often happens after a traumatic experience. I guess no women who get date raped are being reckless either. The question of whether it's dumb to spend money on hookers/strippers and blow is dumb is a moot point, a choice that I'm sure many don't regret. The insinuation that those who do choose to do it are somehow asking to be drugged and robbed is a pretty sickening one. Which Clinton was the more successful? Bill or Hillary? Maybe if those wealthy women were more reckless they'd be more successful. Maybe if Hillary wasn't so reckless as to slag off half the electorate she'd be president. If they turned the tables where did everyone put their drinks? On the floor? Stupid idea for a movie. Liar. Well this thread quickly descended into a theistic game of 'Rock, Paper Scissors'. Boohoo, the Razzie's don't exist to pander to Satan2016's right wing political biases. So your complaint's changed from being that no film about a liberal scumbag could get made to being those films that are being made won't make a sufficiently big deal of his politics? Where I come from that's called shifting the goalposts. Why would these films touch on Weinstein's political ideology? Unlike Weinstein, Ailes' (along with Kelly's et al.) political leanings are front and centre in his career and the environment in which his alleged crimes and the film took place. Fox News' very existence revolves around its strident political perspectives. It would have been absurd to have made a biopic about Ailes at his workplace and ignore his and Fox's political standings. On the other hand, to shoehorn Weinstein, a film producer's, political leanings into a biopic of him would make far less sense. Furthermore, the film is privately-produced. If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's ironic how so many right wingers seem to want Hollywood to be some sort of state-regulated entity. I'm not comparing their alleged crimes. I'm comparing their status as people who are commonly accepted to have committed crimes they weren't formally convicted of. Of course not. LOL Lol. Pissed on your fire, eh? Because Megyn Kelly is white. Just like Jesus and Santa. Hitler was never convicted either. I guess we should just reserve judgement. Sorry, but claiming that 'bombshell' is a misogynistic term is just moronic. And after he does deliver the message he just gets under peoples feet looking for his dead mate's brother, rather than doing something useful like helping the dozens of injured and urgently-in-need-of-help people all around him. Cara Delevingne would've been my choice. Maps aren't racist, they're scientific depictions of nature. The map Anna introduced was clearly superior to the one it replaced. You may have some other valid points (the King being depicted as an infantile buffoon, for example) but your opening gambit is irritating and insidious. Lake Placid, although that's actually good as well as being dumb and fun. Because involuntarily celibacy isn't a problem for the vast majority of women. It's a weak and unoriginal enough insult in its original form, this way around it's meaningless. The best you can manage is to copy the same insult that has no doubt hurt your feelings, but reverse the gender? Weak. It doesn't even work as an insult that way around. Definitely due a remake, special effects have come on so much in the past 40 years.