'Queen for a Day' Rick Gates: Another plea deal is on the way!
According to sources close to the situation, former T-rump campaign staffer Rick Gates is finalizing a plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller - ready to flip faster than a McDonald's cheeseburger. This will be the third T-rump staff member Mueller flips in the past eight months, including former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, and former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.
It's been reported that Gates has had what criminal lawyers call a "Queen for the Day" interview with Mueller, in which the defendant answers any question at all from the prosecutor's team. So long as he answers truthfully and honestly - about his own case and other potential criminal activity he may have witnessed - prosecutors can never ever bring his testimony into play on any case against him in the future. A plea deal almost always follows the 'Queen' interview, and that's where Mueller is now.
T-rump had dismissed his associations with Flynn and Papadopoulos in the past, even going as far as saying he never met Papadopoulos (photos prove the contrary). Yet, so far special counsel Mueller has had four indictments and two plea deals - the fourth indicted member of T-rump's staff is Paul Manaforte, and there's no indication (yet) that he will flip.