Skullomania's Replies

For to Fir. What genius decided that Fir is a more common word in the English language than For that it needs to replace it every time I type it? I keep meaning to disable auto correct. I think it said it has to learn when I installed it but if it hasn't learned by now. If you're drunk I'll start off with the ones it would be helpful for. Flay - Sigh. Fourth Slenderman film I've watched. Fourth one to disappoint. Muse - could have been so much better. They should have focused on the mythology and horror parts more plus Christopher Lloyd was wasted. Reaper - Jake Busey, Vinnie Jones & Machete. Don't know what I was hoping for but this wasn't it. In the Mouth of Madness - Bluray Rewatch. Not Carpenter's best but worth a watch. One Dark Night - The woman in it looks like Jeremy Irons. Also has some of the juiciest looking corpses I've seen in a while. You could almost smell them. Inferno - Bluray Rewatch - Like eating bloody sweets with your eyes. Second favourite Argento film. Phenomena - Bluray Rewatch - Third fav. Argento. Just more proof Rey is a Mary Sue, as if we needed it. This time from a non sexist standpoint. It took Leia her whole life to learn one force trick without training and she's a Skywalker (who no doubt spoke to Luke of the force) but Rey is practically a jedi in a couple of weeks. If Rey had been blown into space she'd have pulled the nearest planet to her 😄 Just came to post something else but you might be interested based on your name. I started watching John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness and near the beginning when the agent smashes the windows with the axe, bends down to Sam Neill and asks if he reads Sutter Cane. He has twin iris's just like the mummies. Here's a screengrab. [url][/url] Guess the writers of The Mummy read Sutter Cane 😊 Oh man. First I find out he was played by several apes, one of which died and now find out he was beat to death by his trainer. I kind of regret peeking behind this particular curtain 🗿 Probably Clyde the orangutan. "Also, stop pointlessly switching genders and races." Someone mentioned this over on the Tomb Raider board. How come Lara hasn't been changed to a man in the new film? Seems that it's primarily well established white male characters that are allowed to be replaced by black or female actors but never the other way round. Isn't that sexist and racist? You want strong female and black characters? How about you go write your bloody own. Acess to hundreds of tradesmen via the internet. Something house related goes wrong. Who you gonna call? 🔨 Dad 🔧 I don't watch the news at all. It's all just scaremongering and there's no point living your life in fear. I watched a documentary once that said this was purposefully done so people relinquish more and more of their freedom to governments/military so they can protect them against exaggerated threats. Plus I mean, the news is a business. If all they tell viewers is 'Today Granny walked her cat' people would stop watching so they have to keep people hooked with embellishments. Spelt it wrong. Apparently it's a 'neuralyzer' and the deneuralyzer is a room to reverse the effects of it. According to Lord Wikipedia. Was never really a fan although I did like one remix of theirs, I think it was by UNKLE. Will Smith used a neurelizer on her. My pic. is an artists depiction of me by the artist 'Google Search Results' I think he's Dutch. God moving over the face of the waters - Moby Or The 'Saw' theme tune. I thought it was 'fingeringly' terrible and at the end when she's getting whipped around by the spaceship on a rope was like a comedy spoof. Not to mention the alien was the lamest one I've ever seen. The alien that was imploded underwater in Resurrection after 10 seconds was more interesting than the one in Covenant. It was just so boring. Did they not play Alien isolation? That's how being around an alien should make you feel, not like your at Michael Bay's rodeo diner. Also, hopefully I don't sound homophobic but why if they were trying to colonise a planet did they send a gay couple? You could have just titled this thread 'Night of the Living Dead' and I would have known what it was about. I don't see The Invisible Man mentioned. I'm sure I've seen that in a bunch of things. Oh no, he's fallen at the first hurdle (◕‿-) '---->Bet< he's a trekkie' America - 'erbs. Sorry guys, you're not French. America - Pedofile. Scottish is way better. Peedofile. 'Yah peedo' lol. US version sounds like it's a colourful folder with cycling information. England - Cant instead of the second letter pronounced as a U. You can't tell if they're cursing at you or telling you you're not allowed to do something. Bet he's a trekkie that got beat up by Star Wars fans. As for Kennedy. Every time I see those lizard lips move, I know she's lying.