What pronunciations of words bug you? Like regional/country variations?
Here's my list.
Australia - night. Some say this through their nose. Something like "nyeh-t"
America - Tuesday. I like it as 'chews-day' not 'twos-day'.
America - Opportunity. Similar thing. I like 'opporchun-ity', not 'oppor-tune-ity'. (i notice this is a region by region thing.)
America - Nokia. It's actually meant to be 'KNOCK-ee-ah', but they say "no-KEY-ah"
England - Room. I say "roo-em", they say "ra-um" (hard to write phonetically.) They say something similar with roof.
Ireland - Three/Third/Tenth - anything with TH. They don't pronounce TH, it's just a T for them. My aunt (from Ireland) recently said it was her 'tent' year in a job. I pictured a tent. Her son when he was little told me he was the 'turd smartest in his class'. I said "so you're the turd?" and he said "yes." (I'm cruel.)
New Zealand - more or less all of their words bug me. They use very sharp vowels, sort of like the words are cut in their length. They swap vowels too. So Jess is like "Jahss". The blacks there have a more musical way of speaking, which I actually like. It sounds very friendly.