Arghhhh's Replies

"Every night I burn..." What a song. Yeah it's fantastic. Love how eclectic it is and the main theme is just bizarrely brilliant - baroque organ and a girls choir? But it works. But it's not one misstep though. Here are the issues: * With the exception of TLJ every single new Star Wars film has been beset with production issues. There have been expensive reshoots and the majority of first choice writers/directors ended up being fired. * TLJ was down $700M on TFA - it still made a lot, sure, but nobody was expecting that kind of drop * Solo was the first Star Wars movies in history to lose money. This is huuuuuge. Unprecedented. It would be like a James Bond movie losing money. Solo is maybe going to gross less than the Special edition that game out in 1997. * It seems like at least half the fan base doesn't like the movies and the fans that Disney is losing are the ones who spend lots of money on Star Wars. Toy/merchandise sales are apparently far below expectations. * According to the clip Lucasfilm isn't a happy place to be right now with it being split between pro and anti Kennedy factions. This might just be gossip but considering how many people she's fired it doesn't seem that unlikely. * Senior Lucasfilm contributors have been happy to tell customers to go fuck themselves. This might be getting them likes on twitter but it's no way to run a business. And just remember that Star Wars was an open goal. People write about Star Wars fans being impossible to please... absolute bollocks. Star Wars fans are so forgiving that TFA - a fundamentally terrible movie - grossed over $2B after 3 terrible movies in a row with the prequels. But it looks like we've finally found the limit... it looks like if you make 5 terrible Star Wars movies, treat the original stories with contempt, kill off all the old characters to prop up your new shit ones and piss all over your customer base the fans might actually start to say enough is enough. [url][/url] You take that back about Neverending story right now and we'll just pretend you never said that. I will *never* and I mean *never* grow tired at laughing at Prometheus. I hated it when it came out but as a grand testament to the folly of man it is unparalleled. [url][/url] Or was ahead of its time? But yeah - no way they'd end a film like this now! I agree with your agreement. I actually liked the first half of Trek 09, the character driven aspects, it's only when the went into space it all went to shit. For all his faults JJ does seem to be good at getting strong, likeable performances out of his casts, he just has no idea how to tell a story. There's probably an alternate timeline out there where JJ makes small scale, quirky TV and indie films with a likeable cast in meandering/meaningless story lines and that would be just fine but it is one of life's mysteries how he ended up helming both Star Trek and Star Wars. I suspect he does't even like Sci Fi. Pretty sure she's on this site furiously posting under all her alts, wondering why calling Star Wars fans racist white supremacist alt right incels isn't making Star Wars more popular. Star Trek 2009 & TFA gave you chills? Made you cry? I don't believe you. Sorry Buffy but ST09 and TFA are the very definitions of lazy "pew pew" action movies and I wouldn't have a problem with that if they hadn't tainted the legacy of the world's favourite Sci Fi Sagas. JJA = Michael Bay. It's that simple. Their style is utterly interchangeable - screw the story, screw the characters, just throw enough shit at the screen so the audience might not realise what they're watching makes no fucking sense. The only difference is that Michael Bay is honest about what he does, he knows the types of films he makes and he knows who he is making the for whereas JJ is not just a hack, he is a con artist. Look at his legacy: Lost - "Hey, trust us guys, this is all going somewhere, somewhere amazing, we've got it all figured out". Bollocks. They made it all up as they went leading to one of the worst final seasons in TV history. Star Trek - "This is a separate timeline, not a reboot, we don't want to overwrite the originals". Bollocks. They ripped off TWOK (a fantastic film and Montalbarn pisses all over Cumberbatch) and changed the past - again - in the very next film as they had no original ideas of their own. TFA - "This is part VII". Bollocks. It was part IV 2.0, a reboot of a New Hope, a movie literally nobody on the planet wanted so they lied and said it was a sequel. He is a talentless hack and he is not worth your time defending him. You literally put more care and effort into your above, very well written post, than he has into any of the plots for his movies. He wrote Armageddon for Christ sake! There's no passion in his films, no emotion, no great dialogue... they are lifeless simulacra, imitation's created by someone who doesn't know how to create, only how to steal. Stop supporting him. Stop watching his films. JJ and his fellow Bad Robot brethren are helping to kill cinema. EDIT - Replied to the wrong post but I'm sure you figured that out! No, you're not alone: there's at least 3 other people that think JJ's was the best Star Trek film. Yeah that always spoiled the film for me. Contrast it to the brutally effective way Brian Cox's Lector almost gets Will murdered in Manhunter. Saying this I rewatched it recently and after (finally) accepting it's ridiculousness I could just enjoy how well the scene (and the rest of the film) is put together. I think you're wasting your time with this one. Yeah but you need to remember that it's only the Star Wars fans that don't like the new Star Wars films that are like that. The Star Wars fans that like Disney Star Wars are all enlightened individuals drowning in pussy. Very wise. And necessary. The media is in its sorriest state since Gutenberg. Are there any legitimate news sources anymore? Why would he tell the story of what happened after VII? You really need me to answer that? And how could he? Talent would help. Part VII is garbage partly because it's written as if it's part VIII and we have to just accept that the most pivotal moments in the entire saga (Ben Solo turning evil, the rise of the New Order, the construction of Star Killer, Luke's failure, Han's regression) *all* happen off screen and so have to be hand waved away with a few lines of clunky exposition. RJ then had to deal with JJ's hospital pass of a movie... he failed, of course, but I can hardly blame him. Excellent post lordbishop my only quibble is that they weren't even a beginning: JJ in his infinite wisdom decided he didn't want to tell how we got from VI to VII so we have a story that starts in the middle and has now ended before it even began. To conclude: Rey is a terrible character. Written by men. Men whose opinions of women are so low they think Rey will appeal to them. She is an insult to women. She is as relatable to women as he-man was to men only he had far more depth. I *want* more well-written women in cinema as there's a huge lack of them. Refusing to critique female characters is not helping cinema create better female characters - just the opposite. I have read watched and enjoyed many explicitly feminist books/films by luminaries such as Agneta Pleijel, Mare Kandre, Kristina Lugn, Anna Odell, Anaïs Nin etc. Most of my friends are arch-feminists and a lot of my work is with actual feminist groups and campaigners. You have no fucking clue as to the world I want, you just want to be the hero of your own story, riding to the defence of helpless - and imaginary - women. Well get this - Rey doesn't need your help. She doesn't fucking exist. Just accept that she's a terribly written pastiche of a YA heroine written by a hack in order to make money. Say it with me. Say it loud, say it proud! "Rey is a Mary Sue." "Rey is a Mary Sue" "Rey is a Mary Sue" You know it to be true.... Join us, and together we can help end this destructive conflict between the 6 people who actually use this site. Don't do it for me. Do it for Daisy. Ride in and save her from JJs evil clutches!