MovieChat Forums > Arghhhh > Replies
Arghhhh's Replies
As opposed to the people that let that warm glow blind them to the fact that shite Star Wars films now outnumber good ones by 2 - 1?
And while it is a troll it's one that's working beautifully due to the desire of actual 'fanboys' to paint every criticism as deranged/racists/sexist delete as appropriate. But then it's hardly surprising so many defenders have fallen for this obvious bait considering they've been suckered by these appalling cut n' shut jobs masquerading as movies.
Ah so it's the people that *don't* like Nu Starwars that are the fanboy idiots, not the people happily guzzling down the cold swill served up by Disney. Gotcha.
Kasdan is rapidly burning through all the goodwill his 80s films rightfully earned him but he hasn't been involved with a quality film since 1983. That's unless you're a fan of the Bodyguard of course.
Watched the first episode expecting to love it. Love the era, these kinds of stories, the area, the director.... and I thought it was awful. Characters unbelievable, dialogue clunky, badly acted... can't believe it got hyped.
Very honest of you to admit that Otter.
Even if that is true who printed the comments? The journalists in question. Do they have 'blood on their hands' too? Milo has a million ways he can say dumb shit publicly - there is just no way you can spin text messages to journalists to be 'issuing orders to vigilantes'.
I know it.
You know it.
So just quit it.
I'm not even defending the guy - sending messages like that is dumb no matter what the context but what you're doing is taking a 6 on the 'dumb things to do' meter and cranking it up to a 9 You're making it sound like he sat down and planned the attack. There is nothing to suggest the killer even ever heard of Milo and it's clear the shootings were due to a long standing grudge the killer had with that specific paper.
Using mass shootings to score political points is pathetic.
And this will be the last you hear from me because I hate the fact that a movie chat page has fucking Trump spam all over it and now I'm perpetuating it. So. C'est la vie.
But he didn't though, did he? The comments Milo made were private and were only made public by the journalists he messaged *after* the shootings. So are you suggesting that the journalists themselves passed on the "order" to gun down journalists? Or is it that the killer had a time machine?
I find it fascinating when people feel the need to distort the truth to make their point... it's like on some level their brain knows the reality does quite match with their point of view so it needs to be distorted to conform. Of course what should happen is that our views change dependent on the facts but so often it's the other way around.
If you think Milo's comments were stupid then so say but don't distort the truth because it fits with whatever ideology you're selling. That doesn't do anybody any favours, least of all the victims and their families.
So Umm... what you're saying is that he *didn't* order vigilantes to gun down journalists? So you agree with me? Good. Glad we cleared that up.
He "ordered vigilantes to gun down journalists"?
Hahahaha! Exaggerate much?
So he's giving orders now? He's in charge of an alt-right assassination squad?
He told some journalists in a private conversation that he hopes vigilantes start targeting journalists. These journalists then printed the remarks. Milo might be a troll and a demagogue but don't make out he's issuing 'orders' to mythical vigilantes.
Yeah but that just pushes it into 'it was all just a dream' territory.
I agree Otter. Nice to find a post of yours where I can say that!
Fair point but ultimately none of these people have their names on the credits for either TFA or TLJ. Given that one of the roles of the story group is to ensure continuity and given how bad the continuity has been so far I suspect that they mainly exist for PR purposes.
The writer was RJ wasn't it?
The female 'writers' are part of the story group which is supposed to piece together the lore and the overarching story/direction.
Fair points.... but here's my take: Carlito essentially felt like he owed Kleinfeld his life so even though he knew it was an insane thing to do he went along because he felt honour bound.
As for Tony T - they tried to lampshade this a bit when Kleinfeld says he's been 'sailing these waters for 20 years' implying that he had the skill and the means and nobody else Tony T controlled did. It is hard to believe that only one of Tony T's crew went along to help, there's no way around that, but I suppose you could say they underestimated K and assumed they wouldn't need to get anyone else involved.
Watched it again for the first time in 20 years. Apart from the over the top opening shot slowmo it looks and sounds and *is* fantastic. Penn is brilliant; the best he's ever been.
I think they were trying to show Mafia-style hit men in a more realistic manner. They're not cool, or attractive or nice people... they're fat, old and ridiculous. But still capable of shooting you in the face. And that actually makes them scarier to me. Imagine getting murdered by one of that lot? How embarrassing!
Amazingly enough TFA won best writing in 2015. Tells you all you need to know about the Saturn's standards.
Hippo is a troll so I'd just ignore him. And I don't mean troll the way most of the internet means it as in 'Someone I disagree with' I mean it in that he's actually a old school troll who's just trying to wind people up. He's actually quite good at it too.
"We could be here all day talking shit" = "Yeah I'm just gonna ignore all your points"
And I'll tell you what is pathetic: endless accusations of sexism as a lazy attempt to win arguments. If somebody says: "Well of course Kennedy can't run a big business: she's a woman" then call that moron out for being sexist, but don't pretend you have psychic powers and claim to 'just know' when criticism of a woman is sexist. Doing that isn't helping to eliminate sexism - it is *perpetuating* it.
Kennedy's got a lot of shit, yes - but nothing like the shit Lucas has got. There's a feature length documentary, 'the people vs George Lucas' FFS which actually got good reviews and did good business and if you think KK has reached that level of criticism then I don't know what to tell you.
And yes - as Texas Jack points out below, Daisy Ridley herself has barely received any criticism, the audiences ire has been reserved almost solely for her character which was written by men. Two Jews in fact (at least in TFA) so it probably makes more sense to call critics of Rey antisemitic & misandrist as it does sexist.
Well it's fair to see that Salon, Huffpo etc are going to cream in their cheese if/when she does get fired. There's going to be 10,000 identical articles all screeching the exact same crap before you can say 'toxic masculinity'. The thing is - they love it! So it's win-win - the fans get someone not incompetent in charge and the blogosphere can larp about how oppressed they all are. Everybody will be happy!