Arghhhh's Replies

This is why the giant game of telephone that is the internet is so dangerous. Celebrity deletes instagram A single twitter fan account says it is because of abuse Click bate sites spread the story The allegation becomes fact Psychic bloggers determine that the anonymous trolls are white and male Race baiting idiots run stories attacking white male fans of Star Wars So we've now gone from alleged abuse by unknown trolls towards a celebrity to actual abuse by mainstream media towards millions of people. 17th century Salem has nothing on the internet! Denial implies guilt? I agree with your point on torrenting. People view piracy as a victimless crime (or that the victims are all filthy rich Hollywood execs) but the truth is its sucked a huge amount of money out of the system which has increased the risks in film investment leading to 'safe' but creatively redundant movies becoming the norm. Ha, this is going to be good thread I can tell! Let's see.... Hamlet : As Hamlet prepares to force Claudius to drink the very same poison that killed Gertrude and obtain vengeance for the death of his father, Rose whacks him over the back of the head with her codpiece. Rose: Don't kill the ones we hate, it's better to save the ones we love. Claudius then has them both tortured to death over a period of several months. EVS? Yeah I really like his stuff, very entertaining. I find it interesting that Youtube seems to be the home of the 'Anti Star Wars' crowd whereas the pro crowd seems to be on twitter and the blogosphere. Not sure why that is. Twitter I get - seeing as you can't write anything more than 360 characters it's perfect for people that like overly simplistic arguments but I don't why the more traditional websites are all so hail corporate. Just had a look and Mauler's TLJ rant has 750k views and this is just some guy that nobody had even heard of until recently. Pretty sure people like him are only getting this kind of exposure because of the complete absence of even handed coverage elsewhere. The Force Awakens killed it. In the question of 'fatigue' there's a crucial difference between Marvel and Star Wars: The Marvel films build on each other, they use characters from one story to add to their other stories, this is why they can release Black Panther and IW back to back and have them both be huge hits. Now Star Wars has been doing just the opposite. The Star Wars movies *steal* from each other, they use well loved characters from the past to prop up the terrible characters of the present. It might have been a big hit but did TFA improve upon Han's character? Plus they even fail to tie together films in any meaningful way. VII completely undoes the previous films, VIII ignores VII, SOLO brings [spoiler]brings back a character from the dead that has already been rekilled off in the tv shows.[/spoiler]. So with marvel we have cooperation and synergy, and with Star Wars we have a kind of parasitic behaviour. So little wonder one is thriving while the other dies. She got your click though. And this is a huge problem with the internet: why clickbait and race baiting articles like this thrive. And I'm not saying your shouldn't have clicked as how can you tell an article is trash until you read it? But this is how it works now, they don't care if you're agreeing with the article or are pissed off by it, just so long as they get your eyeballs on the page. This is why sensible, even handed reporting is dead and sensationalist racist crap like this continues to propagate. I read a review of his book and the one line extract was enough to make me want to puke in my own mouth it was so poorly written: "The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrrann rooftops - it zigzags herkily-jerkily out of sight." Plus he wrote them in the present tense - no doubt trying to be wacky. Well if you're a fan of Takashi Miike, Renovatio I take back everything I ever said about you... Yep Good point. I even forgot that I missed off Colin Treverow and Josh Trank from this list. Two others with almost zero experience or decent track record (at the time at least - I realise JW went on to make Bazillions). But then that wasn't a problem at the start... I mean, you could argue that the whole mess began with Michael Ardnt. I mean, if I'd just spent 4 Billions dollars on the biggest movie franchise of all time and I needed a sequel written to probably the best loved trilogy in history my initial reaction wouldn't be "Ooo, is the guy who wrote 'Little Miss Sunshine' available???" Saying this though I think the bigger problems are with the writing not the directing. And for this I have no idea. Maybe some good sci-fi/fantasy authors would be a good start? Glad you think so! And I admit I couldn't actually think of a good choice so took the easy way out with Miike. I'm a bit out of the loop as I've found films have just deteriorated in quality so much over the last 20 years. I worry that this might because I'm a miserable old bastard but the the opposite seems to be true for TV. If I had to answer honestly I'd say maybe Nolan (and I *hated* Interstellar). He's got his flaws but he obviously knows how to make a movie, plus he's made epics, sci-fii-sh films and a fantastic war film so he's the only one that's really qualified. Spielberg is past it. Ridley is past it. Maybe Villeneuve? Duncan Jones? Neil Marshall? Ben Wheatley would be interesting. Takashi Miike Well I don't know if he counts as 'Lucasflim' but the author of the Disney Star Wars book series is known for his insane ranting: [url][/url] This is a good watch if you want to see what they actually changed. [url][/url] Totally agree and I'd add that every moment looks and sounds amazing. The title is given much greater significance in the book and is one of the better bits. It's worth a read if you like Lovecraft et al but it's not without its flaws. Well the idea is that they've sent in lots of teams of men and they've all (presumably) failed, so why not try something different? The book is much better at explaining why this might be a good idea. The film is a bit of a mess. The bones are probably some of those teams. But I haven't though have I? I don't particularly care that the sequels are bad films. So were the prequels. So were the Ewok movies. We've had 30 years of terrible Star Wars movies so it's hardly a surprise we continue to get them. If you look at any of my posts critiquing these films never once do I insult people who do like them or imply they must be morons/incels/fanbois or whatever and in return for that I get called all the names under the son by hypocritical cunts like the OP. And that's why I still post, because I find this reaction fascinating. I mean just look at the above? 'Fair point' I said, *agreeing with you* that it's silly and in return you call me a knob. So thanks for that, you sanctimonious prick.