MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies

kuku's Replies

Humans, for example. Most of them. The Irishman is a TV movie. Probably the best movie of the year, but still a TV movie. I think there's a bit of true and a bit of misinformation there. Abrams is a one-trick man: mystery boxes. He probably didn't know what to do with the final movie. Yeap, I can believe that Disney edited without Abrams knowledge... but they probably did so because they saw Abrams completely lost. If Abrams had had some clear ideas about what to do with this movie, Disney wouldn't have interfered. He's not some indie starting director. Leaks said that he was doing some kind of 'modular' movie. That means building generic pieces (battle between Rey and Kilo, final battle, Chewbacca being kidnapped, final kiss, and so)... even though you don't really know how to combine them. Watching Abrams wandering around without any clear goal or idea, Disney probably decided to do some damage control and interfere. <blockquote>Your argument is just to keep saying "You still haven't provided a single argument".</blockquote> I said it before. If you want to meddle in a contract between two people, it's <i>you</i> the one that have to provide a valid reason. The burden of argument lies with you. <blockquote>And with your roommates comment, those couples may have something to say about how you perceive them.</blockquote> They would surely agree. I'm talking about legal status, not about feelings. If you can't establish any kind of formal union or marriage, you're just a fucking roommate. <blockquote>You're speaking abstract rhetoric..have no idea what you're saying.</blockquote> You still haven't provided a single argument, but hey, here you started with personal attacks. <blockquote>hetero-couples live together without being married and have children, so I dont' know what type of "union" you'd label that, if any.</blockquote> That's not any kind of "union", that's being fucking roommates. 9. The Birdcage? GlenEllyn said the 7 before me, I didn't see it. 2. Awakenings 3. Dead Poets Society 7. Good Morning Vietnam • "<i>We'll go with your $275 million budget, though I've seen closer to $200. </i>" I took the number from wikipedia. Anyway, a $200 budget is ridiculous. Rogue One had a $250m budget, and Solo more than $300m. And you're saying that the final chapter of the trilogy was gonna be cheaper than the spin-offs. Sure. 😂 • "<i>Though this movie was not RESHOT to death. According to Adrams, it was significantly less than TFA. [...] I'll be generous and say $80.</i>" Wrong. The movie has been reshot to death. Every leak agreed about that. • "<i>Disney has always had the strategy of spending less on marketing Star Wars, because frankly they realized the movies didn't need to be marketed that much.</i>" That could have been true for Force Awakens, not here. Star Wars and Disney's image have been deteriorating. Marketing was necessary. • "<i>Disney is leveraging movie theaters into paying higher rates. For TLJ they demanded 65%, and in some cases it could go up to 70%.</i>" Before The Last Jedi everybody thought Star Wars was going to be the next big thing. Force Awakens is the top domestic box office ever (even above Avengers Endgame). That gave them leverage. Right now, after the Last Jedi disappointment, the Solo flip-flop and the Rise of the Skywalker messy '<i>let's do another cut</i>' production, they didn't have that leverage anymore. Look for any piece of news saying how Disney squeezed movie theaters this xmas. There's none. ISSUES??? Milo Yiannapoulos was banned from twitter for calling Leslie Jones (the black chick in Ghosbusters 2016) 'barely literate' (which she was, by the way). That, that was beyond permissible! Banned and attacked by media!! Here you have dozens of people making death threats, harassing members of their family, some of them even harassing them in real life. But hey, this is fine, it's good harassment 😊 I'd say it's not only some of the fans. Twitter has issues. And mainstream media has issues. <blockquote>Yeah, they're genuinely disappointed in the fate of Kylo Ren but they're hamming it up on Twitter just for the laughs?</blockquote> Did you watch the video? Driver had to watch the social media of every friend to be sure no info about the newborn was released, and that because of how her wife was harassed. He failed because in a pic made public in instagram by a friend by mistake the wife could be seen holding the newborn, and then harassment increased, how she dares to have his son? Kind of crazy. However, since the harassers were had the correct race/gender, that didn't deserve a single article. But hey, as you said, just for the laughs. <blockquote>What DO YOU afraid of on not allowing these kind of discussions on GD?</blockquote> The rules is that political threads are placed in the political sub-forum. The goal is to prevent the general forum from being flooded with threads about Trump (or similar). That's reasonable. This is by far one of the freest forums I've seen. The rules are easy and reasonable. Let's keep it that way. You don't have to accept those words, but you should at least provide a valid alternative. This ^^ According to professional critics and reviews collected in RottenTomatoes, the <b>TOP 3</b> best movies ever are 'Black Panther', 'Avengers Endgame' and 'Us'. This is NOT a joke: The most logical ethnic groups would be Arabs or, even better, Berbers. That fits the tone of the novel. Latinos? Blacks? That doesn't make any sense unless you want to fit some politically correct quota, which seems to be the case, since they're using blacks. 1. Se7en (1995) 2. 30 Days of Night (2007) 3. Whiteout (2009) 4. Blade Runner (1982) 5) Pitch Black (2000) 6. Taxi Driver (1976) 7. Dark City (1998) 8. The Matrix (1999) 9. HIGHLANDER II:THE QUICKENING (1991) 10. Insomnia (2002) 11) Daylight (1996) 12. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) 13. Twilight (2008) Those are good toxic incels and femcels, because they're woke 😄 And yeap, they made a lot of death threats. But those are good death threats, politically correct threats 😂 The comparison with Moffat is unfair. It's true that Moffat is really bad when it comes to characters (like Abrams), and that both of them like overly-complicated plots. However, unless Abrams, Moffat's mysteries work as a clockwork machine, the whole plot carefully crafted and thought. Abrams just throws mystery boxes and leaves, because he doesn't know what to do with them.