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strangenstein's Replies
I rewatched the movie this past week, and just now rewatched the Bonus Features. After viewing both, I’m with you bastach, I don’t think there was an actual door there. Movies are all about make believe, and all that was needed to create a door effect was some proper movements from Nurse Keating, plus a few sound effects and lights. We never see a door in the final product (except in insert shots from the nurse’s station POV), and nowhere in the Bonus Features do they make it clear. However, I’m in the “no door” camp because it just seems simpler for the timing of the scene. The actor carrying the autopsy shears couldn’t open it. He was standing there, shears up and ready to go.
One thing that makes the scene so darn scary is we never expect someone to come out of that room behind the nurse. We’ve “seen” the door closed, and we’ve “heard” it being locked. Blatty was brilliant with this scene and our expectations.
You’re 30 minutes in and you’re on your phone posting about it? How about putting the phone down, like a grown up, and watching the movie. Good grief.
I’m praying for you.
Shrug it off? I answered your question the best I could. I’m praying that your eyes and heart will be opened to a savior who loves you.
Oh, and I can’t be manipulated into supporting or doing monstrous deeds. My faith is built on a rock, THE rock. That rock has absolutes. Ever wonder why atheists are always so agitated? A life built on shifting sands will do that to you. He’s knocking, just open the door.
As a Christian, the Law has been fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, so I can eat all the shellfish I like. :) The Bible is a complete telling of God’s plan, how humans have corrupted it, and how we can have redemption and salvation through Jesus. Yes, there are many passages that can seem cruel or archaic. Part of that is cultural, part of that is our sinful nature. Mankind always reaps what it sows.
Hope that answers your questions. I do find it fascinating that we’re 2000+ years later and Jesus is still intimidating people.
The original was new, fresh, and scary — plus it was the only one to successfully walk that twilight area between dreams and reality. (Wes Craven’s New Nightmare was able to mostly recapture that twilight area.) The later sequels drew attention to the dreams as set pieces, effectively negating any suspense and terror. Oh, and Freddy Krueger becoming a wiseacre didn’t help.
I’m in five years after your original post! Do You Believe is shot very well, and the acting is consistently good. Trying to make a movie with several different stories, and have them all come together in a logical manner, is tough, but the filmmakers pulled it off.
Small spoiler
The story with the fireman would have been interesting as its own movie.
Of course it earns laughter, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18).
.....because the Bible makes it clear taking God’s name in vain is very serious. Don’t agree? Take it up with the author.
Agree with you completely. It’s a foregone conclusion that Charlie will get his man (or woman), but getting to the 11th hour roundup of all the suspects is a lot of fun. For what it’s worth, I’m usually wrong when it comes to picking the murderer.
Dead Men Tell is one of my favorites in the series, mainly for its look. There are lots of shadows and eerie closeups, and it’s all filmed in glorious b&w. Sidney Toler is in top form, and the hijinks of number 2 son keep it light. Most of the movie is set aboard the ship, so there’s a nice sense of claustrophobia added to the mystery and intrigue. Recommended!
I’m with you, I think it would’ve been better to keep him masked. I saw an interview once with Carpenter where he talked about that shot of Michael and how it was meant to show just a normal looking person. I get what he was going for; evil can be anywhere and look normal.
On a side note, I was only 13 when this came out and my older brother took me to see it. Believe me when I say it was an experience! The theater was filled with screams, especially in the last 15-20 minutes. It was new and fresh, much like JAWS had been three years earlier. Terrifying and perfect for its time.
Regarding him surviving (since the second film doesn’t exist), I thought it would’ve been cool to have him and Laurie married in the new Halloween. I was so disappointed in how unlikable they made Laurie. Having her married and well-adjusted, but a little jumpy, would’ve been better than what we ended up with. Just my humble opinion.
I love them both, but Halloween is the better movie. It’s better shot and directed, plus it creates an iconic character with The Shape. Friday the 13th was able to maintain the spookiness longer, though. The first two Halloweens were excellent, and the third was good but no Michael. By the fourth it just wasn’t scary. The first four Friday the 13ths were scary and added to the mythos.
Well, since they’re one and the same, you may need to rephrase that.
Simpson committed the murders by himself. There’s never been any credible evidence showing otherwise. I do believe he had some help afterwards, at least as far as people staying silent; after all, he was the gravy train for a lot of people. If Simpson was found guilty their lifestyles would’ve been drastically affected.
I have a friend who works in sports-talk radio, and he gave me the best explanation regarding the OP’s question I’ve ever heard. He said (and I’m paraphrasing):
“O.J. Simpson is an elite athlete, and like many elite athletes, he sees everything in b&w. Not black as in race, but in certainty. You either win, or you lose, and elite athletes are born and bred to win. Simpson saw Nicole’s being with other men as something that needed to be punished. After all, in his mind, she belonged to him. Killing her was a win. Getting away with it was a win. It’s all b&w to him.”
Jacob H, “your actions on earth and the love or hate you put into the world” have nothing to do with your salvation. Accepting Jesus as your savior is the only thing that will insure your salvation. Disagree? Take it up with Jesus; He said it. John 14:6
Lots of words, but in the end your disbelief, like so many before, will be answered. The simple truth is every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord. I pray you open your heart before it’s too late.
I feel the same way, and I think I know why. I’m a Christian, and the after-life depicted here runs contrary to my beliefs. We all have a God-shaped hole, and the New Age-y beliefs in this movie are akin to trying to stick a square peg in a round hole. It looks and sounds nice, but it isn’t truth.