MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist III (1990) Discussion > Absolute worst movie I've seen all year....

Absolute worst movie I've seen all year.

Just got the Directors cut for Christmas because I'm a sucker for directors cuts and this is truly a horrible movie. Amateur filmmaking, bad editing, horrible dialog that seems to have been written by the writers of M.A.S.H. The one liners between Scott and the Priest are cringeworthy. The makeup effects are poor and laughable how awful they are. This is probably the most bloodless movie I've seen and Im 30min in. And for a film about decapitations I expected more. The acting is over the top and exaggerated.To all you jerkoffs who said this movie was underrated and a good scary movie must have your taste up your ass


The film isn't "about decapitations".

It's puzzling why you didn't come on here and read all the positive and negative comments about the DC before you went on a rant vs. "the jerkoffs" who said the movie was decent. Aren't too many jerkoffs around here, which you would have known if you had checked out the reviews.


Wow, what a silly troll post. People can like or dislike a movie, I don't care. But then there are idiots like you who come to forums with a chip on your shoulder and hoping to cause an argument. Well, have fun with that. Just know that I can't take silly posts like this seriously at all.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Amen to that.



This is probably the most bloodless movie I've seen and Im 30min in. And for a film about decapitations I expected more.

I see. You're some kid in grade school who just likes mindless gore.

To all you jerkoffs who said this movie was underrated and a good scary movie must have your taste up your ass

Did I say grade school? Make that elementary school, and a special-ed one at that.


You’re 30 minutes in and you’re on your phone posting about it? How about putting the phone down, like a grown up, and watching the movie. Good grief.
