Much of the praise here is more "preaching to the choir". I don't share the Christian enthusiasm, and as such, I think I have a bit more critical eye than most of the admirers seem to have here.
As a movie, this is bad. Don't mistake what I'm saying as criticism of the message. The movie is just plain hard to watch. It's a bit like community theater where you toss aside the imperfections to support your neighbor. The acting is poor, at best. The sterotypes can't be overcome.
As an American, I believe honest people should be allowed to believe what they do as long as long as they keep don't try to force themselves onto others. As a person outside the Christian faith I believe I can say this: it is difficult for some of you to see how unduly arrogant the message you send out really is.
I'm not going to argue here, as I believe, that a true Christian can't be a capitalist, and that my readings of Jesus lead me to believe he was anything but a capitalist, but the message here simply is: turn your life over to God and you aren't responsible for anything from that point forward or before.
I beg to differ. The hurt you caused others doesn't go away. My father had a very adept quote: "He PRAYED with his neighbors on Sunday and PREYED on his neighbors the rest of the week". When you hurt someone, simply saying I'm sorry and begging forgiveness doesn't change the hurt. You can make repairs, but simply saying "I'm sorry" isn't enough. Ever. And saying "Big Brother" above will forgive you doesn't change that either.
This movie could have had an even better story...reaching out to people who don't share your brand of Christianity...if the overt preaching had been toned down to share some of the common good points: cheating people is bad, regardless of religion. The people closest to you deserve you as a whole person, not a selfish-minded individual.
Honestly, I had to turn it off.
I sincerely hope you can see what I'm seeing...that this was closer to a piece of propaganda than to anything inspirational. I will not work to stop your showing of excitement about this film, but I didn't enjoy it.