MovieChat Forums > They Live (1988) Discussion > Why was this allowed to be made?

Why was this allowed to be made?

If the world and especially the media was controlled by a small group of elite people why would they allow such a movie to be made?

This isn't a small indie film, it was distributed by Universal Pictures.



This is Alex Jones of Infowars' favorite movie. Google Apple and Facebook recently censored Alex Jones. Are Google Apple and Facebook not secure with capitalism?

America is the only country with free speech, and it seems to be under threat as government and corporations are at their most powerful. Europe censors hate speech and holocaust denial. What is that quote by Voltaire about knowing who has power by who you aren't allowed to criticize? This movie seems much more popular as a new world order conspiracy movie among right wing extremist free market people than among socialist cosmopolitans who favor Keynesian cheap money global shopping mall consumerism.


For the exact same reasons a film like 'Fight Club' was made by 20th Century Fox I guess: because unlike authoritarian political systems and ideologies, capitalism understands that, in order to survive, it must itself produce it's own criticism, rather than repressing it and leaving it to fringe elements. Makes it easier to control and digest it, and it leaves people with the satisfactory illusion that they've done their critical thinking themselves (by watching the film), before happily resuming with the program.


True. However one might also assume that capitalism (not unlike Ryder from 'The Hitcher') is secretly driven by a self-destructive desire.


Two years on and yet no one has said the obvious...its only a movie.


Cause John Carpenter was a really big name director who could get anything he wanted made.


I'm just glad it was made


It's a long story, but the very short version is...... the truth has to come out, even if those in control don't like it.


There are two reasons.

1. As it has been shared numerous times through various testimonies and sensitive military documents, movies are largely made to hijack and rewire the consciousness psychologically, the same popular music, which as a result of seeing such films humans can become cynical and skeptical that the reality can be like that, one can easily notice many people saying it's just a fiction, or it can't be taken seriously, especially when reviewing it through the filter of how it's made, or whether it's good or bad, instead of how it adds to the conscious reality they're creating for themselves, what energy frequencies they're emanating and affecting their mental, emotional or spiritual body, or how it makes them believe in those stories or themes, their senses are so numb that they can no longer feel the deeper subtler layers under the surface, that's how deeply mass hypnotized people have been, never ever realizing that Star Wars, Flash Gordon, Harry Potter, Lords of The Rings, the biggest wildest fantasy films out there are real on some level, by showing us who we were or can be, but our disbelief in it being real can never make it real, and that's exactly how the manipulation of the brain works, it's the ultimate paradox in the realm of sorcery or spiritual magick that any advanced wizard or witch might be be aware of. We project out such a fiction into the world as we see as a fiction, not a presentation of reality. There goes the old saying in ancient scriptures through the history that the ultimate power is in our belief first.

2. They're made to allow the collective consciousness of humans to create their reality for them, exactly as they want it through the subliminal signs, energy, manipulated emotions, messages, etc, humans are just largely unconscious of such participation. That's the real trick of black magick, they need to show what they do, but we have to be unaware of the real intention behind it. This film itself is dangerous as it provokes violence, that's what they want, division, violence, conflict, wars, it uses part of the truth and inserts its own emotional manipulation into it. Understandably most filmmakers are perhaps not aware of it, most of us have been psychologically brainwashed from the birth, from generation to generation therefore there's a genetic influence, it brought us here to carry certain emotions and thoughts throughout our lives. This is very deep reaching back to the Roman Empire/Babylonian times.

PS: Although I must admit, some people are saying John Carpenter himself is a Freemason too, I can't verify that myself, nevertheless it would make sense, Halloween 3 itself carries perhaps the biggest predictive programming of all the films he stood behind in some way, with all the selling of masks, tv programming, witchcraft, robots/clones, etc. Knowing this one can never watch the films the same way ever again, it changes everything in your consciousness, just that horrifying realization itself.

One person awakening to all this is not enough to change the reality to our advantage, but 9 billion? yes that's enough electro-magnetic volume to tip the scales of power, and that's what they fear.


Because they dont expect a movie starring a wrestler to be taken seriously?

Duh. Next stupid question
