Unlike the Star Wars prequels, this doesn’t seemed to have gained any appreciation over the yeard

Why do you think that is?


Because it's still the most recent.

Once #5 is out you know that (even if it's a masterpiece) there will undoubtedly some whining "It's so bad it makes Crystal Skull look like perfection in comparison!"

Kind of like how the Sequel Trilogy made people love the Prequel Trilogy.

People tend to have extreme emotions about something's new, it's either the best or the worst. So it puts previous entries in a new perspective.


Kind of like how the Sequel Trilogy made people love the Prequel Trilogy.

Crystal Skull gave me a newfound appreciation for IJ and the Temple of Doom. Spielberg's squeeze, Kate Capshaw, still grates on the old nerves, but...


I remember people liking the prequels in the immediate wake of their release. Am I misremembering that?


Of course a number did. Again, always the "new is better" mentality. And it wasn't immediate that it was so popular to hate on them, as I recall as well


I recall Phantom Menace being much more warmly received by viewers at live showings (I was at more than one screening) than any of the subsequent prequel films. The doubts didn't really set in until Attack of the Clones.


This sounds right. I saw Phantom Menace in theaters & was impressed enough to give Attack of the Clones a shot, too. Was bored out of my gourd by the massive fight scene between the robots & clones. Still haven't even bothered with the 3rd movie.


Once we see how awful Indy 5 will be, I'll be like, well, Indy 4 did some things okay at least, relatively.

Actually, I've always liked Indy 4 (6/10 for me), so I don't think it's gonna get any rosier than that.


I feel fairly similar. Indy 4 has never been and never will be my favorite. But I find enjoyment in watching it, if I'm watching them all I don't groan at it. I find it silly how people say "aliens are too out there" as if the first was so believable. It was just more localized to our own planet.

For me the biggest problem is Mutt, I've just never cared for Shia, but unfortunately for a minute he was in a lot of movies I liked otherwise.

I think a lot of it was expectation. Since it had been so long, people couldn't handle it being anything less than perfect.


Yeah, same here actually. I don't mind the nuketown fridge. I def don't mind the aliens.

Mutt is my biggest issue, and outside of a couple of scenes, I don't really care for his presence in the movie. Oh and the triple agent guy was totally unnecessary.

And for such a late sequel, with frustrating plot elements...it worked out surprisingly well in my opinion. I like rewatching it occasionally. Not as much as the original trilogy, but I still find it fun. I like Cate Blanchett. Love Marion. Still enjoyable.


YES re: Blanchett, Marion, and triple agent.

And the fridge! Yes! People take it too seriously, it's meant to be silly fun. No wonder Spielberg elected not to direct 5. I think him and Lucas feel like they can't just have fun anymore, everyone's too critical.


You're not wrong. Sometimes, a bad movie is just a bad movie (not referencing CS just film in general) but the way internet culture is, a movie is either the worst or best thing since (insert classic film here). I saw Shazam 2 last week and while I thought it was mediocre, I didn't have a seething hatred for it.


Agreed, a mediocre movie doesn't have to be treated as the worst. Then people get to saying it ruined their childhood. I think that some people didn't realize that a 19-year wait doesn't translate to 19 years of working on it, and expecting to feel that much work on. People wanted it to be the grandest adventure of them all and were upset about it being less than that


the star wars prequels are awful , but i do watch them ironically as a comedy and get great entertainment


The shear lunacy and stupidity of this movie is insulting. The prequels were just bad movies and everybody loves bad movies.


I considered this one by far the best Indy film on its release back then, and still do today... umm no the appeciation was always there by regular audience who just love to have fun, it's just been always drowned out by the cult of fanboys. Thanks to this film I started following Spielberg's films once again, I felt it was a return to form for him in 2008, especially stylistically speaking, his films since then didn't lose that same spark.


Lol. You’re the one in the cult. Crazy you can’t see that. This move is shit.


At least the Prequels are Real Star Wars Movies.™
