Conan1982's Replies

What ? This board is a flower garden of teddy bears holding hands compared to the old IMDB boards. We already have 1 LGBT character in Star Wars : everybody knows that Gastropods (like Jabba the Hutt) are hermaphrodites. Furthermore, it seems like in this new Trilogy no one has time to fall in love with anyone : gay, straight or otherwise. Disney's Star Wars is even more cold and soulless than the prequels: sure Padme and Anakin 's romance was garbage but at least it was there and was actually essential to the overall story. Shame on you Disney : you made me write something somewhat positive about those terrible prequel movies. That's disgraceful. Lucas made 3 movies that are even dumber and more offensive that this one so fxxk him. He made the prequels, spat in the face of the fans and that led us directly to the situation we are in today. Star Wars wasn't making money so he sold to people who can milk the brand better than his lazy incompetent ass. Lucas is to blame more than anybody else because of the mess we are in now. But they did that ! Haven't you seen "Freddy's dead : the final nightmare" ? Freddy was a comedian in that one. And yes, it sucked. I don't remember any lesbian scenes in Dune however I remember the fat evil boss drooling over Sting : the parallel for that would be Palpatine wanting Vader's metal cock in his dark side hole and I'd prefer to live without seeing that... However, if it means that someone else made Dune then I'd visit that parallel universe just to see what a good Dune movie might be (and I'll skip the gay stuff when watching Lynch's Return of the Jedi). No : I was dragged there by an old friend who was a hardcore fan while I knew nothing about Star Wars at the time (I confused Star Trek and Star Wars and didn't even know what a Jedi was, my first SW movie was TPM and my brain didn't deem anything from it worthy of being remembered). My friend hated the movie with a passion and spent the entire time loudly pointing out everything that was wrong about it. So I was confused because I didn't know anything about Star Wars in general, then I was more confused because the movie in question made no sense whatsoever and then I was even more confused by my friend who kept talking about stuff from the OT that I didn't know anything about. So my friend completely ruined this (already terrible) movie for me and still to this day it is the absolute worst experience I ever had in a movie theater all things considered (so not just the movie : I've seen even worse ones since...). At least we know it's him so we'll avoid it. But really the director is irrelevant, the problem is the guidelines that come from above to which any director has to adhere : that's why they go for young upcoming ones, because they are yes-men who will do what they are told. Anyway, the message from Disney is clear : they don't want us, the signs are numerous, obvious and unmistakable. Would you enter a restaurant that has a sign on the door that says "we do not serve straight while males" ? So it's time to quit, at the end of the day it's no big deal : Star Wars has been diluted into mediocrity since ROTJ anyway. I expected something simple like she dies and her death gives Luke the motivation to get back into the fight. "What deal did Ron Howard make with the devil to make himself so ubiquitous? " None, unless Satan felt generous and asked for nothing in return : it is a widely known fact that gingers have no souls. "In what UNIVERSE does all of this makes sense? " In the same universe where midget-sized teddy bears defeat elite imperial storm-troopers, or the same universe where fans spent 15 years demanding more movies after they got teddy bears and then got Jar Jar Binks LOL What is happening now is no less than what the fanbase deserves : you should have let it die in the '80s. Every disaster that happened later is exclusively your fault for wanting more than you already had. You should have been content with 3 movies but your excessive love for Star Wars has been your own demise. Ironically, it parallels Anakin's fall from grace : he too wanted more and ended up losing everything because of too much love. I didn't like the movie but I applaud it for the fact that it made so many pathetic losers suffer. So at least something entertaining and enjoyable has come out of it : the pain of the people I despise. That article is complete trash, however: they just respond to stupidity with even more stupidity. Besides, both sides are wrong because the point of Star Wars is to sell merchandise not to tell stories. Get a clue you stupid fanboys : you are irrelevant now and nobody cares about you. Your money is not good enough for Disney : they want the money of the rich children's parents, not the few pennies that some broken millennial students make cleaning toilets while they fail at college because they're too busy jerking off over Padme's sexy body in Attack of the Clones and making ridiculous youtube videos about Snoke being Mace Windu... In the end Luke would still be a scumbag who tries to murder people in their sleep. I'm OK with the grumpy part, my problem is with the "murder people in their sleep (and fail)" part. I am such a hopeless fool that I actually thought he was going to recompose himself together as if nothing happened. I mean, where's the surprise ? I knew he was going to get stabbed, they showed Kylo force-moving the sabre : how could you not see it coming ? The surprise for me would have been that he survived. I thought they were capable of getting new fans without pissing off half of the old ones. I agree : it's lazy, unnecessary and I didn't want it in a Star Wars movie. The movie is so focused in hammering the audience with annoyingly unsubtle religious messages and imagery that I'm now convinced that the black goo is Satan's cum. I was on IMDB ranting about this movie from 2011 to 2017 and I'm still not finished... Does this mean that we can finally go back at saying that Padme & Anakin is the worst romance in the history of movies ? In a recent interview Ridley Scott was asked if he would be interested in directing a SW movie. His answer holds the key to the answer that you seek IMO