Conan1982's Replies

The only good thing in this horrendous mess is that surprisingly the message ended up being good : the person who believed in God died for nothing. That's good. Obviously it was accidental: Ridley probably wanted to give the opposite message (because old people turn to religion out of fear of dying) and failed miserably, to my heart's content :) He wanted her to survive Prometheus in order to give the repugnantly false message that "if you believe in God he will help you" but nobody liked Shaw so he had to kill her (unceremoniously) in the next abortion of a movie. Seeing her dead rotten corpse was the only good thing in Alien Covenant, and now Satan laughs as she eternally rots in hell. Ah ah ah. It makes more sense and it's more creative than the actual movie. Nobody needs a phony Harley and a gay Joker. It looks ever worse than I remembered, what a mess. It's the best opening of the prequel movies, but that's not saying much. I still hate WB but the numerous fan-edits made by people who actually care about Tolkien's books saved this disaster of a trilogy for me : the 50% that I hated has been removed and I've never watched it since 2014, while the 50% that I like is there for me to enjoy in the form of one big movie instead of three. So I'm OK with it now : Middle Earth is at peace, there are no were-worms anywhere and Tauriel has never existed. Just watch a fan-edit : she is not allowed to exist in those (because they are made by FANS, not stupid WB a-holes). At the most, she is reduced to being someone who says "Where is the keeper of the keys" when the Dwarves are escaping the Woodland Realm : I laugh every time that scene happens. She is the "where is the keeper of the keys"-girl now and nothing else. These days I'm waiting for fan-edits with more anticipation that the actual movies. That's how bad movies are these days. Wait, that was the ONLY place on the planet where those silly bald albino steroid freaks lived ? I thought they were a super advanced race that colonized half the universe ! The entire population of those guys lived on just ONE city ? What about the rest of the planet ?? What if there is an earthquake, or a virus outbreak : the entire population would be decimated in a few days ! And these idiots are supposed to be advanced ??? And that old guy in Prometheus though that these retards had the secret of immortality ?? These idiots still dress in tunics and live like animals all piled up in one old ruined turd of a city ! These are the stupidest aliens ever, no wonder they left a map with a bunch of balls in a cave to try and invite a bunch of Neanderthals to a dead planet in the middle of nowhere where they were making a black goo that killed them all. And all of this was done to create the backstory that the Xenomorph was created by some flute-playing gay android ? WHY ????? I have the feeling that line won't be in the movie because a "strong independent woman" cannot "need someone" (especially not a guy). Maybe Leia shoots him first. That would be funny. Pathetic ? Yes. Embarrassing ? Yes Sad ? Hell NO ! It's hilarious, I haven't laughed so hard since the Star Wars prequels ! What's even funnier is that those idiots at WB don't seem to get the message : they still haven't pulled the plug on this failure of a EU so we'll get even more stupid movies to make fun of and more retarded people to make fools of themselves on movie boards. And I thought the party was over when they shut down IMDB in February... glad to be wrong : let the madness continue ! Hi DTeam, Conan is back, mightier and stronger than ever and looking to continue the righteous fight against the repugnantly evil prequel lovers and the unfortunately misguided DC-apologists. See you on the battlefield. And no I haven't seen the last turd in the failed DCEU : why would I ? Every other DCEU movie sucked.